The violence against women court of Vic (Barcelona) has decreed tonight the provisional detention, communicated and without bail, for the 59-year-old man arrested on May 11 in this town accused of the death of his missing partner, whose body has not been found.

As reported tonight by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, the case against the detainee, who was brought to justice this Monday, is open for the crime of intentional homicide with the aggravating circumstance of kinship.

The Mossos d’Esquadra reported this Monday that they arrested on May 11 in Vic (Barcelona) the man accused of the death of his partner, who had been missing for almost a month and whose body has not, for the moment, been recovered. found.

According to the Catalan Police, there was a complaint about the victim for disappearance since April 19, which was filed by the detainee himself, and the arrest was precipitated when investigators learned that the alleged murderer had bought a plane ticket to leave the country and travel to Morocco.

The investigation, led by the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC), of the Mossos, searched his vehicle where agents from the Central Eye Inspection Unit of the Scientific Police located biological evidence. The agents collected the samples found so that forensic genetic experts could analyze them to determine who they belonged to.

The different efforts carried out so far pointed to notable contradictions between the statement made by the person under investigation and the different statements that witnesses in the case have made in recent weeks.

The investigation remains open and now investigators focus their work on locating the body of the woman that the detainee allegedly hid after killing her.

The Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat has condemned this Monday the feminicide of the resident of Vic. Since official data began to be collected in 2012, there have been 141 femicides in Catalonia, of which seven correspond to sons and daughters under age. The number of sons and daughters who have been orphaned by sexist violence is seven in 2024 and 99 in the last decade.

The Catalan administration recalls that “eradicating sexist violence is a country issue” and that “efforts from all areas of society” must be added to put an end to it in all its forms.