The Second Vice Presidency and Department of Social Services, Equality and Housing has ordered the immediate closure of a sheltered home for people with intellectual disabilities in El Campello due to alleged mistreatment of users, following a complaint filed by center staff.

It is a sheltered home with seven people with assisted intellectual disabilities between the ages of 20 and 35, managed by Educatea Hogar and in agreement with the Generalitat.

The regional secretary of the Social and Health System, Emilio Argüeso, explained that the decision to close was made following the complaint filed last week by the center’s staff before the territorial management of the Department in Alicante and in which they stated that the coordinator of the Sheltered housing mistreats some users, both physically and psychologically.

According to Argüeso, given the seriousness of the complaint, the Ministry’s inspection service appeared at the home the next day and detected the poor living conditions, in addition to verifying, through security camera recordings, the abuse. received by a user.

The regional secretary pointed out that this is not the first time that this protected housing has been reported for irregularities in its operation and in the treatment given to users.

In 2021, and as a result of a complaint filed with the inspection of the territorial management of Alicante by personnel from that center, a series of administrative irregularities of such magnitude were observed that they were sent to the Prosecutor’s Office, from where it was ordered to the Civil Guard to proceed to visit the home to verify the facts.

After this visit, three employees were arrested for alleged mistreatment of users of the home. Likewise, the court issued a restraining order to the center’s coordinator, who was among the three detained, prohibiting him from approaching the home.

Despite the seriousness of these events, the regional secretary has stated, the Botànic executive allowed the sheltered housing to continue operating, “disregarding the inspection that reported serious infractions that meant that the users of the center would not receive the necessary quality care.” ”.

Faced with this decision, he assured, the Department of Social Services, Equality and Housing “will not tolerate events like those that occurred in the Valencian Community and will not tremble in the face of situations like these, prioritizing the interest of citizens.” and especially vulnerable citizens.”

The order for the immediate closure of the center for being in inhumane conditions and the decision to inform the Prosecutor’s Office of the alleged crimes committed has already been transferred to the association of fathers and mothers of the users of the home, with whom Emilio Argüeso maintains permanent contact since last week to inform them of the process that is being followed and show them all the support of the Department.