The Provincial Court of Palma is holding a hearing this week prior to the trial in which 90 years in prison are requested for five young people accused of raping a teenager and sexually assaulting another minor after forcibly putting them inside a vehicle. According to Diario de Mallorca, the young women required psychological assistance after these attacks, which is why the prosecutor is also requesting compensation of 70,000 euros for both of them.

The attacks occurred in 2019, when the two minors were going to a nightclub in the municipality of Capdepera (Mallorca) at night in the company of one of the attackers. At that moment, a car in which the other four young people were traveling stopped and they put one of the girls in the trunk and the other in the other part of a car.

The car headed to a vacant lot in the area, where one of the accused tried to get the minor to perform fellatio on him. The girl resisted even with bites and scratches and, at that moment, the young man raped her despite the girl’s attempts to get away from her. Meanwhile, the young people took the other minor out of her trunk and put her inside the car with the intention of raping her. They could not face the strong opposition put up by the minor, but she was subjected to groping and sexual touching,

The defendants face accusations that total a global request of 90 years in prison for three crimes of sexual assault, one of them involving penetration. They ask the perpetrator of the rape for 30 years in prison and for the rest, 15 for each of them. The young women filed the complaint with the Civil Guard, who arrested the minors after an investigation. The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that they should be compensated for the damages caused, which included psychological assistance.