There are just over 24 hours left to find out the names of the winner and finalist of the Planeta Prize. On Sunday, October 15, during a literary dinner at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), the winners will be announced.

The winning work will receive one million euros and the finalist 200,000. Last year, the award went to Luz Gabás with the novel Far from Louisiana, with which she invites the reader to travel to the end of the 18th century, when Mississippi and New Orleans went from being French territory to Spanish territory. Cristina Campos was a finalist with Stories of Married Women, which dissects the romantic lives of three friends who work at a women’s magazine.

This 2023 is a record year, since a total of 1,129 novels have been submitted to this 72nd edition, 461 more than the last call. This increase is due in part to the fact that, for the first time, it was not required to deliver the originals in paper but in digital format via email, which has favored high participation.

The origin of the novels received this year is very diverse: in addition to Spain, with 482 works, South America stands out with 309. The rest of the originals come from North America, with 96; Central America, with 33; the rest of Europe, with 20; and one from Africa.

The jury for the award is made up of José Manuel Blecua, Fernando Delgado, Juan Eslava Galán, Pere Gimferrer, Carmen Posadas, Rosa Regàs and Belén López, director of Editorial Planeta and secretary of the Jury with voting.

The titles and authors (or their pseudonyms) of the works are: Sexudario, by Mar de Mármara (pseudonym); Dexados, by Lorenzo Fernández Prieto; The King of the East, by Luis Parterrío (pseudonym); See them coming, by Francisco-José Torres Alborch; The reunion, by Tintaleve (pseudonym).

Tears at the bottom of the sea, by Clara Isabel Aguilar Esteban, have also been finalists; Li Qingzhao, by Pilar González España; Autumn without you, by Gabriela Monte (pseudonym); Another Heaven, by Elizabeth Gothelf; and Shadows on the Wall, by Karla Munich (pseudonym).