“There is nothing more deadly than the ego nor more foolish than a daffodil.”

Has there never been so much messenger with so little message?

It is the era of narcissism. And nothing is more deadly than the ego nor more foolish than a daffodil. In ancient Judea they knew how to laugh at egomaniacs…

Was it easier for you than today?

When they heard a heavy “yo-yo-yo”, they touched the ground saying: “Why so much vanity if we all go to the earth equally?”

Will you return to dust?

In effect, Christians transformed that Jewish mockery into the rite of Ash Wednesday: dust you are and to dust, in pulverem reverteris, you will return; The great Kabbalists, on the other hand, asked to be buried without a tombstone or name…

But does its message endure?

…Because they knew that their work was cosmogonic, ergo lasting, not egotistical and finite. The more you reduce your life to the mere construction of your ego, the less you will live and the more irrational fear you will have of death, which we already know liquidates any ego.

If you give up gratifying your ego, aren’t you in danger of discouraging your effort?

Some Kabbalists believed that this construction of the self could be an incentive to improve oneself, but only in youth; Later, the Kabbalist had to transcend his ego to seek and share cosmogonic wisdom.

Isn’t a certain self-esteem and assertiveness necessary to make yourself heard and even heard?

If you suffer from low self-esteem, your ego, to compensate for it, shoots up; If you have enough self-esteem, you don’t need so much ego.

But, after all, don’t Kabbalists believe that everything has already been decided by God?

Free will is just an illusion: we decide what the universe already knows I am going to decide, but we have freedom in deciding it.

As? Do we decide to do what God intended without thinking that he had already decided?

If we knew the divine plan before acting, we would not be free, nor, therefore, responsible for what we do. And we are.

Isn’t it a consolation, but unscientific?

Kabbalah is pre-scientific: remember that the great Barcelona Kabbalist Abraham Bar Hiyya discovered mathematical equations of the second degree as early as the 11th century.

And if something cannot be measured, it is not that it does not exist, but just that we do not know how to measure it.

We measure the passage of time, but that measurement does not exhaust all its dimensions. Something of each of us lives in eternity without time or space. Our soul has different times and spaces.

We cannot stop the passage of time; but it does change how we perceive it.

If you transcend your moment and open your mind to the perception of eternity, you come closer to it.

Eternity for what if I am no longer the one who is eternalized?

If you only identify with your ego, you will be terrified of death and if, on the other hand, you identify with that eternal energy, you will not fear it…

Isn’t it sometimes the followers who idolize the master even when he is no longer there?

A great Kabbalist is invited to a wedding, but he is seated at the last table. His disciples complain. He tells them: “Do not complain: I am the same at the last table or at the first.”

Is there no power without a cult of the personality of the powerful?

It was the mistake of Christians who worshiped Jesus not for his message, but for his personality. And it is a problem of democracies: it is easier to idolize a leader and vote for him than to weigh his management and vote for him or not.

What is evil and good in Kabbalah?

Good has infinity as an ally, that is why it is indestructible. Evil always ends up self-destructing: it is destruction without objectives.

Isn’t that the definition of stupidity?

Every power group, in order to maintain its fidelity, requires its members to be stupid enough to idolize their leader. If, on the other hand, you decide to be a free soul – that is being a Kabbalist – you are a heretic, because you do not idolize anyone.

That’s why “two Jews: three opinions”?

And the rabbi is not infallible, but only a teacher who seeks the truth with you. For this reason, today I do not obey the rabbinical authorities of Jerusalem when they try to impose their authority on all the Jews of the world.

Do you fear an Israeli Vatican?

Nothing less Jewish – nor less Kabbalistic – than a dogma. The diaspora guarantees plurality within Judaism and its creativity; the Jerusalem rabbinate, on the other hand, reduces it to a mere power structure.

Constantine: one faith, one empire?

When you build an empire, you need followers; not freethinkers. Power always feels under siege by the freethinker.

One God: millions of opinions?

The hierarchical structure of ancient Judaism was inherited by the Vatican. We Jews became freethinkers, however, because our central authority, Jerusalem, fell.

Luck or curse?

Creativity is the answer to hierarchy. And only the secular State allows it, which is why becoming a confessional State is the great danger that Israel faces today.

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