do we always have to tell the truth? This is the question posed by the comedy El joc de la veritat, written and directed by Miquel Murga, which opens this Thursday at the Gaudí theater in Barcelona.

“We wanted to go a little further than the boulevard comedy, but it is a full-fledged comedy,” says Murga. “In the play there are two couples who are friends and we discover that the four characters, for one reason or another They have told some lies.”

To serve up this entertainment that works like clockwork, Míriam Tortosa, Octavi Pujades, Roger Cantos and Cristina Dilla cross paths on stage. “Doors that open and close, but here at the Gaudí there are no doors”, sums up the author and director of this piece.

“The public gets into the comedy a lot, it’s almost one more character, and they see and give their opinion about what happens,” he continues. The stage, which in the case of Gaudí is a square with an audience on all four sides, has four rooms identified with the four colors of ludo: a red bed, a yellow armchair with matching furniture, a green divan and chair, and a computer on a blue chest of drawers, with a table-dice in the center.

“The scenery takes us back to a game we’ve all played and makes the scenes go from one space to another in this game,” says Cantos, who plays the role of a computer scientist who works for his best friend’s company. “Comedy is based on all the information that the public has and that the characters do not have. That is why the public also plays their game.”

“As a good comedy, we need the public, which makes it easier for it to work,” adds Tortosa, who plays the role of Cantos’s wife and is a nail influencer, all day pending on her mobile. “Comedy makes us reflect on the truth, how far we have to say something and if we are capable of accepting it.”

“Many times the truth is not the best option,” adds Pujades, the director of the company and the lover of his best friend’s wife. “There is no couple in the world that resists the absolute truth.”

And Dilla, the director’s wife, is a renowned psychologist who has to do therapy with her husband’s friend when, due to the crisis, he loses his job. The tangles are served.

“The discipline of the actors and actresses has been extraordinary,” says Murga. “There is good vibes between the actors, and that facilitates the scenes where they touch, kiss, push each other… Among them, the fact that there is some infidelity does not mean that there is no love in each couple. We will discover little by little what each character knows, that perhaps it is already good for them or not to know more things “, he concludes.

The game of truth is a production of Hamlet productions and is performed at the Teatro Gaudí from May 25 to June 18, with a tour planned for several towns.