The woman found dead this Sunday with signs of violence after the suicide of a man in Granada was her partner, so it cannot be ruled out that it is a new case of sexist violence, according to investigation sources.

The event took place around 5:30 p.m. this Sunday when several calls to the 112 emergency service alerted that a man had fallen from a balcony to the street on Avenida de Madrid, in the capital of Granada.

Up to this point, the Eurobécquer building, agents from the National Police and the Local Police, Firefighters and health personnel from 061 were transported, who were only able to certify the death of the man, of which it has only emerged that he was between thirty and forty years old.

The agents located her home, forced the door and found inside the lifeless body of a woman, also young, who had wounds consistent with a knife.

Although it was initially noted that the two deceased were brothers, sources from the National Police, the body in charge of the events, have ruled out that relationship.

Sources from the investigation have confirmed to EFE that the deceased had been in a relationship for years, so it cannot be ruled out that this is a new case of sexist violence.

At the moment it has not emerged if she was in the Viogén system or if she had requested some type of advice at the Municipal Women’s Information Center.

Precisely this Monday, the Government delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández, presides in Granada at a meeting called to analyze the increase in cases of sexist violence this year, with 15 victims in Andalusia. If the sexist nature of the murder is confirmed, the number of women murdered by gender violence would rise to 43 in 2023 and 1,227 since 2003.

The subdelegates of the Government of each province will participate in the meeting, the head of the Coordination Unit against Gender Violence of the Government Delegation in Andalusia and the provincial heads of these units, as well as representatives of the security forces and bodies of the State