* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can admire the charm of the white houses of Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz), which closely intermingle with the colors and aromas of the spring flowers that hang from their balconies.

Its walled historic center, which still preserves the castle and several significant churches, was declared a historic-artistic complex in 1976. Vejer is also part of the Association of The Most Beautiful Towns in Spain.

The nucleus of the town stands on a 200-meter-high hill, on the banks of the Barbate River and 8 kilometers away from the Atlantic Ocean coast, where El Palmar de Vejer is located, a small rural area that is attractive for tourism.

Among the historical-artistic heritage are the mills, the walls of Vejer, the Torre del Mayorazgo, the castle, the church of Divino Salvador (in Mudejar and Gothic style built on an old mosque), the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Oliva ( located on an ancient temple of Visigothic origin) or the Roman aqueduct of Santa Lucía.

And among the natural heritage, the beach of El Palmar de Vejer stands out, the beach of Mangueta (declared a protected area of ​​territorial interest), the natural park of La Breña and Marismas del Barbate (the areas known as Monte Marismas, Monte Quebradas belong to Vejer and Peña Cortada), the spring of La Muela (with several historic mills) and the rural center of Santa Lucía.