The president of the Foundation for the Defense of the Spanish Nation (Denaes), Iván Vélez, has regretted the absence of the PP in the demonstration against the amnesty, which according to Vox has brought together 100,000 people, called by his entity in Madrid, in a crowded Plaza Colón, and has accused Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party of having “an almost always ambiguous discourse” regarding the “secessionist sect.”

“We are much more forceful, because we are moved by the common good,” Vélez declared to the media before the start of the event, which takes place in the capital’s Plaza de Colón and is attended by the Vox staff, including its leader, Santiago Abascal. Denaes is a foundation related to and very close to Vox.

Vélez has stressed that “civil society must react” to the negotiations for the investiture of the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, who in his opinion shows an “unequivocal desire to remain in power at the cost of underselling the nation.”

The former president of Madrid and the PP of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, has attended the protest, although she has added that she has not gone on behalf of the PP but of the Pie en Pared association, made up of former cadres of the PP, Ciudadanos or Vox and which pursues “fight the cultural battle” to the left.

When asked about the absence of PP figures at the demonstration, he answered: “The leader of my party has an event in Malaga and I believe that the party can do what seems best to him.”

“We have to fight so that Spain does not fold, does not accept the blackmail of those who want to break it,” stressed Aguirre, who called for action by “good Spaniards.”