The Vázquez twins and the perpetrator of the crime have minimized their participation in the events. In the second session of the trial for the murder of Pedro Fernández, boyfriend of one of the sisters, the three defendants have quickly aired their explanations before the popular jury and have only briefly responded to the questions of their lawyers. The Prosecutor’s Office is asking for 24 years in prison for the three, Dolores, Pilar and Isaac, for the murder. For Dolores, the only one who is not in preventive detention, the sentence is 6 months longer because she was the sentimental partner of the deceased. The two twins have denied having planned the crime despite the fact that there are numerous messages in which they talk about wanting to end Pedro’s life and have explained that the murder occurred after a fight between their respective boyfriends.

The Prosecutor’s Office considers that in the early morning of July 10, 2021, Pilar and Isaac, brandishing a metal bar, broke into Dolores’ house where the victim was sleeping to end her life. The three had allegedly previously planned the crime as evidenced by several messages they exchanged. Before appearing, Isaac sent a message to Dolores in which he told her “at 2 o’clock there,” indicating the time at which they intended to attack him. However, the three accused have tried to find an alternative version to try to justify the murder.

On the one hand, Isaac has explained that he entered Dolores’ apartment with Pilar (who was his partner) stating that he also lived there and rented her a room and that upon entering the home he was surprised by an attack by the victim. “That night when Pilar and I arrived at the apartment to get our swimsuits, when we opened the door we heard an argument between Loli and Pedro in a room, to which I approached and heard glass breaking in the middle of the hallway. I went into my room, I grabbed a metal bar (which I had hidden for safety) and once in the room I saw them arguing and with the bar, Pedro headed towards me to attack me with his arms raised. “I was able to get away from a punch he threw at me and I quickly hit him in the head.” With these explanations, the perpetrator confesses to the crime, although he suggests that it was a maneuver of legitimate defense when he was attacked. Furthermore, the fact that the accused says that he lived there is to minimize the fact that he actually broke into the apartment with the sole intention of murdering his sister-in-law’s boyfriend, as they had supposedly planned.

The prosecution maintains that the victim was sleeping peacefully when Isaac and Pilar entered after Dolores opened the door for them. The man hit him on the head but those first impacts did not end his life and the victim managed to escape to the landing. The defendant followed him and continued hitting him until he finished him off and he collapsed. Some neighbors, who also testified today, have stated that they saw and recorded on video through the peephole how the accused was covered in blood and was kicking the victim to check if he was already dead.

The twins, for their part, have assured that they could not prevent Pedro’s death. Pilar, girlfriend of the confessed author, in a statement of just 5 minutes, has suggested that her sister had problems with Pedro insinuating that she was a victim of sexist violence even though no one had ever alerted him nor had she ever reported him. In fact, the victim’s ex-wife has indicated that Pedro was a peaceful person and has reported that she received multiple insults from Dolores, whom she described as very jealous and who watched her cell phone.

In the case of the other sister, Dolores, the deceased’s girlfriend, has denied having planned her partner’s crime. He wanted to describe the victim as a violent person who “had physically and verbally attacked her” on previous occasions and explained that on the night of the events, her boyfriend Pedro became angry after seeing a message in which his brother-in-law told him that He would appear at his house at two in the morning. “Pedro got upset, he wanted to leave the room, I tried to grab him from behind and he pulled me onto the bed. I told him not to get involved anymore. As I was thrown onto the bed on a table, he had a glass and I remember a glass falling to the floor.” Then, “they started sticking to the side of the door. “I stayed in the room shaking, very scared.”

The neighbors recorded through the peephole how the three defendants cleaned the blood that was scattered on the landing after Pedro’s attempt to escape. Dolores has limited herself to justifying that she “was in a state of shock” and she followed the orders of the other defendant, Isaac.

The police investigation found numerous messages between Isaac and Pilar in which they planned to end Pedro’s life. For example, a message from Pilar to her boyfriend Isaac: “Hello darling, I’ve been talking to my sister on the phone and she’s bad, bad. We’ve been talking… because she can’t take it anymore, and it’s normal… about how to get chloroform, ‘dear’, to put him to sleep and then… that. You know? Because he doesn’t want this Friday to happen now. And I agree with that. So, if we get it so that she can put him to sleep and we finish it off, well It’s done on Friday night. I ask for my personal day. Nothing happens. We’ll continue talking later, I’m going out shopping. See you later.” The Mossos also found a video sent by Isaac to Pilar in the that he shows him an electric defense to give the victim “a spark” and end his life.