* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Centelles, in the Osona region, there is an itinerary dedicated to following the trail of witchcraft, since it is said that this is a land of witches, a reputation that has even been passed down from generation to generation.

This photographic report in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos shows the curious circles of cypresses, with a very esoteric circular distribution.

Following the voices we arrive at the singularly shaped giant stone of Queixal Corcat, named after its holes, which we can see in detail in these images.

According to the Centelles City Council, “for many years women born in this town have had a reputation as witches.” This reputation has been picked up by stories and couplets, such as “De Centelles, bruixes totes elles” (De Centelles, witches all of them) or “Centelles, terra de bruixes” (Centelles, land of witches), which have been transmitted from generation to generation. generation.

It is known that in the 17th century a woman from Seva was hanged in the Pla de les Forques and another woman, called na Payrona, died in the prisons of the counts of Centelles while serving her sentence. La Vetlla of the parish of Centelles is also mentioned in a process from the same period and names such as Serrat or Pont de les Bruixes recall the places frequented by the supposed witches.

The Terra de Bruixes route leaves from Pla del Mestre park and follows this itinerary: