Viewers of television contests have not been able to help but sometimes think about what they would do with the money that can be won in this type of space. Sometimes it is inevitable to get into the skin of the contestants, either to answer questions or to try to live in the moment in some way. And that is exactly what happened with Óscar Díaz when he took the Pasapalabra boat.

After 157 attempts, Díaz managed to complete the legendary rosco last Wednesday that awarded him the jackpot of 1,816,000 euros. An event that was broadcast in prime time and that earned Antena 3 a 30.1% share and 3,243,000 viewers. A figure that is very difficult to collect in these times and that is similar to how difficult it is to get the prize.

A few hours after the euphoria of winning the jackpot, Óscar Díaz confessed the three things he plans to spend the money on, or at least part of it. First, he made it clear that his top priority is paying off his mortgage. With this, he will be able to breathe easier without having to face this expense every month and will be able to enjoy a house that is entirely his property.

After this, he stated that his second decision will be to save a large part of the amount so as not to touch it due to what may happen in the future: “Leave it there without moving it too much because life is strange and many things happen.”

However, you can always use a small part to give yourself a “treat” as a reward for having completed the program. And if there is something that excites him especially, it is being able to travel to Washington for a month so as not to miss anything in the city: “Going to the Smithsonian and other museums, to the Library of Congress…”.

And you will be able to achieve all this thanks to your participation in Pasapalabra. But it won’t be because he hasn’t tried it in other cultural contests. The contestant could be seen before in other spaces such as Saber y Ganar and ¡Boom!. He himself defines attending these types of programs as a “hobby”.

But anyone who has tried to answer the questions in these contests from the couch at home will know that sometimes they are not easy. Something that Óscar Díaz was clear about from the beginning and that is why he decided to prepare for a long time. “There have been weeks in which I have been able to dedicate 10 to 14 hours a day and others in which I have not been able to do anything because it has coincided with periods of very intense work,” he said.

And at the beginning of Pasapalabra, it was more of the latter that happened to him. With a large amount of work and involved with a move, he was not able to start studying seriously until a few months later. After 157 programs he got the long-awaited million-dollar jackpot that has changed his life completely.