With the pandemic, teleworking expanded. The recommendation of the Ministry of Health to work remotely due to the spread of the coronavirus caused many companies to opt for this remote working model. However, three years after the state of alarm was declared in our country, the data shows that teleworking is losing strength.

In November 2022, only 14% of the Spanish employed population aged 16 to 74 (some 3.3 million people) teleworked, which is 3.6 points less than the same date the previous year. These are the data collected in the survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Households published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) at the end of last year.

Although the data reveals that the teleworking trend is falling, experts continue to emphasize that this type of work has a series of advantages; not only for employees, but also for the companies themselves.

“Teleworking allows employees to have a better balance in their personal and professional lives. They can tailor their schedules to meet their personal needs, such as childcare, medical care, or time for recreational activities. Sometimes it also reduces stress and anxiety levels, improving mental health. In short, it is an easier way to reconcile”, explains Susana Quintás, Advisory Board Member for Metrikus Spain and Latam.

But the benefits go beyond conciliation. For example, this type of work can have a direct impact on the economy of the workers. “Employees who work remotely do not have to invest time and money in daily commutes, which can be a great advantage, especially if they live in urban areas with a lot of traffic,” Quintás exemplifies.

For companies, offering the option of teleworking to their employees will mainly help to attract and retain talent, especially among younger employees. “The teleworking factor has become increasingly important for many people when considering a job offer, especially millennials and generation Z. In fact, some new generations reject 100% face-to-face work,” explains Quintás.

Likewise, teleworking will also help companies to reduce their costs. “Office rental costs can be reduced, freeing up property for own use to rent or sell, energy consumption, public services and other expenses associated with running a physical office.”

Quintás explains that remote work will also help to work on certain Sustainable Development Goals: “There are not only advantages for companies and employees, but also for sustainability due to the reduction in energy consumption and gas emissions, water consumption, improvement of productivity or promotion of equality and health”.

Likewise, it must be remembered that teleworking is not without risks. Implementing this type of work requires making certain efforts to avoid the loss of business culture or the lack of cohesion in the work teams.

Knowing the benefits of remote work, what role does the office play then? Why continue working in person? “The office must now be understood as a meeting place, for social relations, for teamwork, promoting creativity and learning, since individual tasks can be carried out from any other place. The office also helps to maintain and grow the culture of the companies and the feeling of belonging”, explains Quintás.

In this sense, many companies are opting for hybrid work, which combines a few days of face-to-face work at the office and others of teleworking, obtaining the benefits of both spaces.

For Quintás, it is important to emphasize that offices must become interesting and attractive spaces for employees. “The office has to offer something different. We’re talking about tools, spaces, and experiences to compete with the lure of working from home. For example, welfare services such as food and medical care can be offered. Or health and comfort parameters such as the quality of the air in the office or the noise level, which are gaining importance to maintain productivity and, consequently, their desire to go to it”.