Like in the old movies, the tattooed one is the bad guy. It seemed as if in that black and white, the tattoo –a snake, a dagger, a demon– was a premonitory mark for the subsequent investigation to work. My grandfather had jailhouse tattoos, poorly done, from a girlfriend who I suspect, despite her oaths, was not my grandmother. Blue ink tattoos, half burned, to liquidate evidence against. I won’t say that my grandfather was good, but I would say that he would not have been allowed in the Sutton private.

The cliché says that times have changed. Don’t believe it for a moment. What happens is that one grows old with the keys that older ones gave him and none of them fit the current locks. One change that I do accept is that today everyone is tattooed from top to bottom. It is a matter of probability that not only the bad guys are. Nobody knows why now every god is so tattooed. Maybe it was Beckham. I predict, yes, some residences with the elderly in perpetual Memento ecstasy throughout his body.

Nor do the kings of the world or the wolves disguised as granny change with the times. Neither do the inquisitors of morality. Apparently you can invade the Ukraine, but don’t fool Shakira.

They will think that I am mixing everything up and they will be right. And just for that, I will finish off with the kings of the world who go to luxury nightclubs and in the bathrooms they take off their granny pajamas and a tattooed wolf appears and, suddenly, the canine forgets cameras and victims, children and wife, and knowing He goes unpunished for everything because he has money, a lot of it, and he is a football hero, he decides to do what the kings of the world have done all their lives: eat Little Red Riding Hood and then pretend that they were needed, penalty, pool aggression, you know what do i mean