The selective collection of municipal waste in the Alt Pirineu and Aran regions has stabilized at 40.5%. In these regions, a total of 18,988 tons have been collected in 2022, 0.8% more than in 2021.

This data denotes that there is still too much waste that is not collected selectively and, therefore, according to the director of the Waste Agency of Catalonia, Isaac Peraire, the situation can be reversed with specific projects.

Half of the counties exceed the Catalan average (51.05%). They are Pallars Sobirà (60.08%), Alta Ribagorça (51.05%) and Alt Urgell (50.70%). Those with lower than average rates are Jussà (42.44%), Val d’Aran (33.82%) and Cerdanya (27.13%).

Peraire has offered technical, economic and political support to try to improve these results and has given the example of the Pallars Sobirà region, which in recent years has done so with an individualized selective collection service. Except in isolated population centers, the selective collection service everywhere is door-to-door.

For the director of the Agency, “the current selective collection systems have already reached their maximum, and what is needed is to advance to efficient selective collection systems (door-to-door or closed containers with user identification).” For Peraire this will be “one of the big bets of the new Catalan waste law that is being finalized.”

Regarding the poor results of Cerdanya, Peraire does not directly relate them to tourism and has said that on many occasions tourists have a high degree of awareness when it comes to recycling.

According to the new accounting without debris, in 2022 a total of 46,846 tons of municipal waste have been generated in the Alt Pirineu and Aran area, 3.7% more tons than in 2021.

The per capita generation of waste increases by 2.4% and stands at 629 kilos per inhabitant per year, without accounting for debris. With the rubble, the generation per capita is 661 kilos and the increase is 5.2%.