The illegal festival of Sant Jordi Desvalls (Girona) has ended this Monday at noon after more than 72 hours of activity, said the mayoress of the town, Núria Martínez.

In statements to ‘Catalunya Ràdio’ collected by Europa Press, Martínez explained that the attendees of the ‘rave’ have been collecting the waste generated during the party on Monday.

Martínez has assured that together with the mayors of the municipalities of Sarrià de Ter and Sant Joan de Mollet (Girona) they will request a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior of the Generalitat to “be able to prevent” this type of party.

As reported by sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra to Europa Press, on Monday morning the presence of some 50 people and around 50 vehicles was registered in the area.

The party began last Friday around 05:00 in the morning and has reached around 300 people.