The ‘Rave’ party in Sant Jordi Desvalls (Gironès) has attracted more participants this Friday afternoon. Of the hundred people this Friday morning, there were 250, according to the calculations of the Mossos d’Esquadra provided to the ACN. Despite cutting road access with the police and patrols, attendees continue to arrive on foot and the party does not seem to end during the upcoming holidays. The police have closed the entrances, but no eviction is being considered. According to the Mossos, the participants of the “rave” have a peaceful attitude and are located in an area with difficult access far from the urban center of Sant Jordi Desvalls.

The Catalan police received the first call warning of an illegal party at five in the morning on Friday. Specifically, the occupied area is an old sand pit located near the River Ter.

A neighbor of Sant Joan de Mollet, an annexed municipality, Meritxell Fernández, explains that this type of party in the area “is common”. In fact, for years now, she says, they have had sleepless nights because of the music that can be heard from all the surrounding townships. “I heard it tonight (the music), but the most annoying is in the summer because we have the windows open because of the heat and with the music you can’t sleep,” she said.

This neighbor explained that she went to sleep this Thursday a little late and soon she began to listen to the music. She immediately suspected that it was a “rave”, because “it is neither the first year, nor the second nor the third” in the area. However, since it is not hot yet, they have closed windows and this has allowed them to sleep.