The rains awaken the Pont del Diable

* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can see the effects of the last rains in Osona. In this case, the Pont del Diable in Gurb, as it passes through the Riera de Sorreigs, with a large flow of water.

According to a legend, the devil built the bridge in one night in exchange for the soul of a muleteer, although it is not the only story that has survived to this day.

The bridge receives other names, such as Pont de Torruella and Pont de les Bruixes. It is said that the devil forgot to put the last stone on it.

It is a bridge from the 14th century, but it could be older, from the Romanesque period. Located on the old royal road that went from Barcelona to Vic, some say that it dates back to Roman times.

It consists of three unequal arcades, all in stone and with railings. It is approximately 36 to 38 meters long and the width is about 3.20 meters.

The Riera de Sorreigs is born in the municipality of Sant Agustí de Lluçanès, it moves between Sant Bartomeu del Grau and Sobremunt in a narrow valley.

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