Last Saturday, nearly a thousand PSPV militants traveled in buses, private cars and trains to Ferraz Street in Madrid to convince Pedro Sánchez of the need for him to continue leading the Government. A day later, the second socialist federation of Spain called a large event at its headquarters on Hospital de València street, to insist on the demand to the head of the central executive. In just two days, the Valencian socialists turned to Pedro Sánchez; and it was the federation of the fist and the rose that was possibly most at stake after the intervention of the federal leadership intervened in a crucial way to activate the renewal of the party.

The breath held and the shock over, the Valencian socialists announced yesterday, in parallel to the fight of their general secretary against “the mud machine”, a request for documentation to find out the possible financing, through institutional advertising, that the government of Mazón does it in “pseudomedia”, in the words of the PSPV parliamentary spokesperson, José Muñoz.

For the leader of the fist and the rose, this type of media “is dedicated to dirtying politics”, to “muddying” and “defaming” those who dedicate themselves to it. “We are talking about websites that spread hoaxes, lies and defamations,” Muñoz defended that he did not want to give names, except one. The PSPV Ombudsman recalled the attendance of the President of the Generalitat at the presentation of the Valencian delegation of El Debate, and the praise of the head of the Consell for this digital newspaper. Muñoz linked this support – and was sure that he would receive publicity from the Generalitat – with the words of his director about Pedro Sánchez, to whom he predicted a “tragic end.”

Muñoz did not want to give more examples, although he hinted that he is clear about what media he is referring to and justified his proposal “to know how much public money Mazón gives to those who harm the democratic quality of the Valencian Community.” Along these lines, he assured that his proposal, which he did not hesitate to frame in his party’s battle against hoaxes and lies, aims to “dignify public life and that of the media.”

A risky proposal that opens a debate on the right to truthful information and the right to freedom of expression was answered sharply by the parliamentary spokesperson of the popular group. Miguel Barrachina regretted that it is the PSPV and the President of the Government “who can decide which media can be read and which cannot.”

For the PP leader, with his initiative in Les Corts, the Valencian socialists are beginning to make “the list of good and bad.” In response, Barrachina stated that the PP “respects all media outlets, whatever they think” and indicated that, unlike the left, “it is proven that the Consell de Mazón governs for everyone.”