“In the PP anyone is in charge, except Feijóo. “It has no leadership or direction,” replied the organization secretary of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, after the current leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, today assumed the demand that former president José María Aznar raised the day before when encouraging a citizen mobilization against the amnesty law that the Catalan independence movement demands to clear a new investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government. The PP leadership has announced that it will call a large event in Madrid, the weekend before Feijóo’s own investiture debate begins, to protest against an initiative that, in Aznar’s opinion, would blow up the Constitution and Spain.

Cerdán has warned, on behalf of the PSOE, that Feijóo only applies “the same PP manual as always”, which he has summarized in “lies, out of tone and denial of reality.” “They neither know nor understand Spain,” the socialist leader lamented. And, in reference to the PP, he has decided that “a party without options and anchored in the past cannot direct the future.”

In Ferraz they consider it inexplicable that the PP calls for “an act to prevent Sánchez’s investiture, 48 hours before Feijóo’s investiture session.” And they warn, in any case, that Feijóo is not looking for the necessary votes to achieve his investiture as President of the Government, which is the order given to him by the King, but that he already establishes himself as “the leader of the opposition.”

“In the current PP the old PP rules,” warn other socialist sources, who point out that Feijóo applies “the same manual” from the 90s with which he tried to overthrow Felipe González, just as he deployed from 2004 to try to overthrow to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. “Outbursts, racy demonstrations, denial of reality… A party that lives in 1996 cannot govern the Spain of 2024,” they denounce.

The PSOE leadership questions, once again, Feijóo’s leadership at the head of the PP. “He is a defeated candidate, who is heading towards another defeat, and whose agenda is set by a former president… always overacting,” they point out. And they assure that they are not at all worried that the PP will once again try to agitate the streets to try to prevent a new investiture of Sánchez. And they even ironically say that “I hope the demonstration will be in Colón”, in reference to the protest against Sánchez that in February 2019 brought together Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera and Santiago Abascal in this Madrid square.

The socialists criticize that Feijóo, who assumed the leadership of the PP with an image of moderation and pactism to close Casado’s stage, is led by Aznar, and also by Isabel Díaz Ayuso or Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, that is, what they consider the hardest sector of the right. “Saddlebags were not needed for this trip,” they point out. “There cannot be such a lack of leadership in a party that claims to aspire to govern. Daily lurches, lack of rigour, one day they say they don’t talk to Puigdemont and the next day they do…”, they list in the PSOE leadership.