“We have been able, through our colleague Salvador Illa, to defeat the independence movement at the polls,” the first vice president of the Government and deputy general secretary of the PSOE, María Jesús Montero, celebrated this Wednesday after the elections last Sunday in Catalonia. . And, with this electoral boost, Montero has now once again attributed to the PSOE “the ability to stop the reactionary wave that is coming with great force to Europe and wants to get involved directly in the European institutions” in the elections to the European Parliament that, in Spain , will be held on June 9.

The first vice president has presented in Seville – where precisely the socialists denounce an “imminent” pact between the Popular Party and Vox so that the extreme right can join the government of the Andalusian capital – the PSOE list for the European elections headed by the still third vice president. of the Executive, Teresa Ribera. With the “aftertaste”, as Montero highlighted, of the PSC’s victory at the 12-M polls. Also the leader of the Andalusian socialists and spokesperson for the PSOE in the Senate, Juan Espadas, has highlighted that “we socialists won well” in Catalonia, which injects them with strength and courage to now face the European elections.

Despite the complex path that Illa has ahead of her to achieve her investiture, Montero has already assured that the polls have put “a socialist president who will be able to take Catalonia, and with it Spain, to the best that it has left. to conquer in this next decade.” “This is how politics is done, taking risks, with head, with common sense, betting on coexistence and social cohesion,” he stressed.

Montero has taken the opportunity to send a message to the Popular Party, after Alberto Núñez Feijóo has assured that the process is not dead. “Some continue, they do not clarify, it seems that they would have liked the independentists to win, because it seems that this allows them to continue in the game of confrontation and polarization. And they do not like that it has been shown that Pedro Sánchez’s policies in Catalonia are effective for Spain as a whole, not just for Catalonia,” he stressed. “They will know,” he concluded.

Juan Espadas has elaborated in this electoral speech for the appointment with the European polls, by once again presenting the PSOE as a “containment dam for the right and the extreme right”, as Pedro Sánchez himself already did in the general election campaign. last July, which allowed him to obtain a million more votes than in 2019. And this has also been confirmed by the socialist headliner for 9-J. “We are going to win against the extreme right, we are going to win against those who raise their arms in Rome and Milan,” Teresa Ribera has claimed, in reference to the recent ultra marches in these Italian cities.

“But we are also going to win against that cowardly right that embraces the extreme right, those who have no problem agreeing with the extreme right and sacrificing people’s rights and social policies and denigrating women,” Ribera charged against the PP. . Also for their reaction after the Catalan elections, when they assured that “they have no problem redoing their speech or inventing conflicts when the polls have made it perfectly clear that we want peace, progress, rights and a better life for the social majority as a whole.” “We are going to win, to stop the extreme right and to win more rights and more Europe!” Ribera cried.