The spokesperson for the municipal group of the PSOE-M in the capital, Reyes Maroto, denounced this Thursday before the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption the alleged “irregularities” committed by the Government of José Luis Martínez-Almeida by having “mutilated” the files related to the supposedly irregular works that Alberto González Amador, Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, carried out in her home.

According to the PSOE-M complaint, councilor Antonio Giraldo went to the municipal offices where the files are located and, there, two files were made available to him that “are without pages, with names, addresses and other hidden data, with partially black pages and absence of part of the formal content of this type of files.”

For Maroto, it is an “irregularity” because “the right of the municipal group of the PSOE-M to information is allegedly being violated, “a right that is included not only in the regulations of the plenary session, but also in the Local Bases Law”.

In the files, which are a “trompe l’oeil” for Maroto, “many images have been veiled that prevent us from knowing the magnitude of the work that was being done on that floor, a work that we already know is irregular, because it lacked a license.”

These “irregularities” in the files represent, he added, “a democratic fraud, because what is being done with this censored information” is to “prevent” the socialists from doing their job of “rigorously controlling” the municipal government.

As he stressed, the PSOE-Madrid has asked the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption to, “in the event that there is fraud, to let the Prosecutor’s Office know.”

“But also, with the Office’s report, we will of course take the corresponding measures, and I can tell you that if the report is favorable we will certainly go to report,” Maroto has guaranteed, for whom, if it is confirmed that there is a irregularity, “this also has to be addressed with political responsibilities.”

The socialist councilor adds that this ‘mutilation’ of the files “also has a political connotation”, and, in this sense, she asks “who is benefiting” Almeida.

The PSOE spokesperson in the Madrid Assembly and leader of the Madrid socialists, Juan Lobato, has also referred to the “X file” in statements to the media in the corridors of the regional Parliament.

“The PP of Madrid has a very uncomfortable relationship with transparency, opacity is the result of how they understand democracy. For the PP, transparency should not exist, they give it to us for the oversight work of a serious opposition party,” said Lobato.

And he has asked Almeida “not to imitate Ayuso so much. “Preventing information about Ayuso’s home from being known is a disservice to the Madrid City Council,” Lobato criticized.

In the press conference after the Government Meeting this Thursday, the deputy mayor and spokesperson for the municipal government, Inma Sanz, was asked about the PSOE-M’s complaint, and she “blatantly rejected any type of irregularity in the respect”, while ensuring that the file has been transferred to the PSOE-M “respecting the data protection to which any person in this city is entitled.”

He has also reiterated that the City Council is neither the State Attorney General’s Office nor the Ministry of Finance, “which have dedicated themselves to leaking data of private people” and that the file of the house where Ayuso lives continues its course like any other.

Sanz said it after commenting, with irony: “The truth is that when I saw Mrs. Maroto’s summons to the Anti-Fraud Office, I thought that perhaps she was going to hand over documents and give explanations about those rescues she made during her time as minister and about so many other issues, but no, that was not what I was going to talk about.”

“The PSOE, frankly, is there to give few lessons to anyone about transparency. The Transparency and Good Governance Council has estimated more than 50% of the claims presented by individuals due to the denial of information by the Government of Spain,” Sanz added.