The PSOE municipal group of the Madrid City Council presented this Monday at a press conference the allegations registered to the “Strategy for the Prevention and Management of Domestic and Commercial Waste of the City of Madrid 2023”, among which the socialists’ request for that the incinerator of the Valdemingómez technology park, located in Vallecas, closes in December 2025, or that there are intelligent and underground containers in the twenty-one districts of the city.

The PSOE spokesperson, Reyes Maroto, has criticized that the strategy presented by the Government of José Luis Martínez-Almeida (PP) “suffers from ambition”, since it is designed “only to treat garbage when it is deposited and collected in containers urban”, and has also criticized that the strategy arrives “late” due to the “laziness, neglect and even resistance” of the popular councilor’s executive to have a waste strategy sized for the city.

The deadline to present the allegations expired last Friday, October 13, although a few days before, on Wednesday, the PSOE had already announced where its allegations would go, aimed at ensuring that the municipal strategy contemplates “comprehensive waste management.” .

In this way, the socialists had already announced that the allegations would include the paralysis of the construction works of the new city cleaning cantons and the creation of participation channels, through the municipal district boards, to involve in them to the agents affected by the location of said cantons.

Today, at a press conference, Reyes Maroto, together with councilors Ignacio Benito and Emilia Martínez Garrido, detailed the fourteen allegations of his group, which, in addition to advocating the closure of the Valdemingómez incinerator in December 2025, advocates :

-The creation of the Zero Waste Observatory of the city of Madrid.

-The paralysis of the new cleaning cantons, as had already been said.

-The implementation of a plan to eradicate illegal waste dumps and landfills.

-A new protocol for resolving complaints and incidents of urban cleaning and waste.

-A plan to renew smart and underground containers in the 21 districts.

-The obligation to install new container systems in the homes of the Municipal Housing and Land Company (EMVS).

-The implementation of community composting networks in the city of Madrid.

-Design a shock plan for the collection of the rest fraction.

-An environmental education plan following the CEPA model (communication, education and environmental participation).

-Include a scorecard with milestones, objectives, starting point and a strategy development calendar.

-The creation of the Regional Waste Consortium of the Community of Madrid.

-Territorial compensation for the environmental impacts of the Valdemingómez technology park (PTV) and new economic incentives for the implementation of good practices in waste collection.

-Cross-sectional application of the waste strategy to other areas of the municipal government.