The PSOE spokesperson in Congress, Patxi López, has asked the PP to stop “making a fool of themselves in Europe” in reference to yesterday’s plenary session in the European Parliament in which the Spanish right and extreme right brought the amnesty law that has been agreed upon. Pedro Sánchez with the Catalan independence parties.

“We ask the PP to stop making a fool of themselves in Europe not because we are worried that they make a fool of themselves at an individual level but because with their actions the only thing they achieve is to embarrass us as a country,” López said at a press conference in Congress shortly after that his popular counterpart, Cuca Gamara, positively valued in the same room the warning of the Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, in the sense that the European Commission will be “vigilant” with this norm.

“A European commissioner, whom they always try to manipulate, but saying what is absolutely logical, that the amnesty law will be studied as all the laws of all the EU countries are studied and that this is an internal matter for Spain and that “We have sufficient mechanisms to guarantee the rule of law in our country, such as with the Constitutional Court,” responded the socialist leader, for whom Gamarra “saw a plenary session from another planet,” a plenary session “that I did not see.”

“70 out of 700 parliamentarians did not even obtain a quorum in this matter,” López said ironically about the interest that the issue aroused among the MEPs and assured that it was a plenary session “full of insults” in which, to give an example, the Vox spokesperson, Jorge Buxadé, “instead of making a speech he limited himself to reading a list of atrocities, insults and disqualifications.” However, Patxi López has accused the popular party of being the ones who put the rule of law at risk with “alerts based on lies.”

López has also asked the popular party to abandon “the path of insults and to start putting ideas on the table” because, in his opinion, “one no longer knows where the limits of the PP are.” In line with this, the socialist spokesperson recalled the words of the PP Deputy Secretary of Organization, Miguel Tellado, sending Sánchez out of Spain in a trunk or the “irresponsible” allusions of the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, doubting the overall health of the President of the goverment.

Does the Popular Party have any ideas, any arguments, any proposals beyond the insult? , the PSOE spokesperson asked rhetorically, highlighting that there is no known proposal for Catalonia beyond being against the amnesty. “Is indicting Catalonia your alternative?” he insisted.