The PSC will vote against all the resolution proposals presented by the different parliamentary groups, such as ERC, Junts and En Comú Podem, in favor of amnesty for those prosecuted by the process. The decision does not respond to the fact that they are against negotiating the grace measure but to the persistent demand for “prudence and discretion” demanded by the socialists, both in Catalonia and in Madrid. Also to respect the times and the liturgy, since when the political resolutions are voted in the Catalan Chamber, this Friday, the investiture process of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will still be underway.

The PSC has only presented one political resolution regarding the Catalan issue in which it points out the need to “advance dialogue and coexistence”, which will be the only one on this matter that they will vote in favor of. This is a resolution that omits the amnesty and the eventual investiture process of Pedro Sánchez and only focuses on dialogue “on the path to reunion” and “within the framework of the Constitution”, in addition to “rejecting all strategy of confrontation, division and polarization” and the Parliament is urged to recognize the “plurality of Catalan society, respecting all approaches and “opening a dialogue between Catalans”

Sources from Salvador Illa’s party insist on the reasons for rejecting the rest of the resolutions presented regarding the amnesty, some such as those of Junts and the Commons, in which emphasis is placed on the need to advance in the dejudicialization of the political conflict and to recognize Catalonia as a nation. “We remain faithful to the principles of prudence, patience and discretion,” they justify, and remember that Feijóo’s investiture process is still underway – this Friday the second vote on his investiture will be held – and that, as they insist, the negotiations for Sánchez’s investiture will not begin until after the failure of the PP leader is consummated.

This version contradicts the words of President Pere Aragonès during the general policy debate, ensuring that the amnesty has already been agreed with the PSOE and that “it will be a reality.” In this regard, the PSC warns that “many things are being taken for granted, and they are not.” Although Illa, in his reply to the president, pointed out “the political situation” as an “opportunity” to strengthen “coexistence” in Catalonia.

The opposition leader still does not make explicit reference to the amnesty, but warns of the inconvenience of transferring to the negotiation on Sánchez’s investiture a “race to see who has the most prominence and who appears best in the photo.”

The refusal to support the resolutions in favor of amnesty presented by the rest of the groups is interpreted as a message of caution in the future of the negotiations and not to interfere in an issue that is negotiated between parties, although the PSC has a relevant role. but outside the scope of the Parliament, since the objective is to invest in Congress the next president of the Government and approve a law that allows the definitive dejudicialization of the conflict that began in 2017 as a consequence of the referendum, the unilateral declaration of independence and the application of the article 155 of the Constitution.