The path of Xavier Trias to the mayor’s office of Barcelona does nothing but clear up. The recount of votes carried out this Friday in the Ciutat de la Justícia will not imply any change in the distribution of councilors among the main candidacies that participated in the elections last Sunday. At this time the chances of the commons to give the surprise and snatch second place from the socialists are rather slim. At least for now. It is possible that in the next 24 common hours or Vox will ask the Electoral Board for some clarification. This, however, should not alter the planned schedule. Except for surprise, the investiture session of the new mayor of Barcelona will take place on June 17.

Not even the commoners were really convinced that a comeback was possible. Nor did Trias himself seem concerned about the possibility that the still mayor Ada Colau tried to breathe a last halo of hope into her longed-for government of the progressive forces, that the common one could overcome the resentments that separate socialists and republicans and propose a feasible government alternative.

In fact, completely ignoring this possibility, first thing in the morning, before the microphones of the Ser, the winner of the elections offered his hand to the Socialists and Republicans in order to be invested as mayor with the greatest possible support and, later, We will see how, everything can be discussed, to form a municipal government that is as stable as possible, capable of facing the ups and downs of this city. In order for it to be so, its short advantage in councilors –11 out of a total of 41 that the City Council has– advises obtaining support.

“The logical thing is that I am mayor but security, total certainty, you never have,” he said. “I would be very surprised if depending on who was willing to carry out strange operations,” said the mayor of Junts, referring to the aspirations of the socialist Jaume Collboni to seize the city’s command rod through a kind of reissue of that Valls operation four years ago. years somewhat against nature that he did the same with Colau, when it was the Republican Ernest Maragall who won the elections. “I don’t know how you do what you say,” Trias continued. Esquerra is not for this work, he has a very positive attitude towards us and I don’t see that the circumstances that Collboni says can occur. Little by little, step by step.

Yes, the Trias offer is not new. He already put it on the table the same election night. But at this moment the context is very different from that of Sunday. Now that tripartite of which he speaks seems more plausible and less extravagant. Because little by little the environmental noise lowers its volume, it is no longer so deafening. Perhaps the post-convergent can play the role that Colau has been vindicating for weeks and set up its own three-party government, a solid and autonomous executive…

Thus, suddenly, a few hours after the winning candidate insisted on his idea, the Socialists replied that no way, not at all, not at all. Laia Bonet, number three on the Barcelona PSC list, said that they will maintain her candidacy at the investiture plenary session, that they will bet on Collboni. “We will continue negotiating, we are not giving up anything, with the exception of the extreme right, with whom we have not spoken and will not speak.” The still deputy mayor, however, did not close the door on the PP, so that those of Daniel Sirera can give away votes, although she insisted on defending “a stable government that develops progressive policies in the city.”

Trias is used to knowing how to read the circumstances and also knows how to handle the rhythms. In fact, during this very long week he stepped back, walked away from the polemics and let the storm subside. Little by little, step by step. And in this way he waited for the hypothetical left-wing tripartite of commoners, republicans and socialists to deflate itself. No need to torpedo it.

The pronouncements of the Republicans throughout the week lead the PSC to give up the agreement with ERC. “We have clearly understood the ERC’s no, they prefer to revive the independence front, we do not want to put Barcelona in the black hole of the procés,” lamented Bonet, accusing Ernest Maragall’s men of “betraying those who voted for them thinking they were a left-wing formation.

Furthermore, the electoral recount has finally left things as they already were. The PSC remains the second force in Barcelona with ten councilors and BComú continues in third place with nine. In the end, the revision has developed more quickly than expected. These days not a few predicted that the results could be released on Monday. But at seven in the evening it has been concluded after the review of more than 6,000 votes in question.

The recount in question basically consisted of reviewing the minutes of the electoral colleges, to see if they corresponded to the lists sent to the company in charge of managing this electoral call. The invalid votes that had been challenged by the proxies were also reviewed. According to this count, the final result is that the PSC obtained 131,923 votes, while Barcelona en Comú was left with 131,581 supports. The difference between socialists and commoners not only has not evaporated but has even increased: the distance between seconds and third parties has widened from 141 votes to 342 votes and the distribution of councilors remains the same as that known during election night.

The PSC, with 10 councillors, maintains the second position behind the Trias for Barcelona candidacy, which has obtained 11, and ahead of the formation led by the current mayoress, Ada Colau. ERC remains in fourth position, with 5 councillors, one more than the PP, and Vox closes the list of groups that have obtained representation with 2 councillors.