The PSC is preparing for its next objective: governing the Generalitat. And it does so by preparing the roadmap with which to bury the “inaction” of the successive pro-independence governments during the stage of the process, which have “dragged by fatalism” a Generalitat “without direction and without a helmsman,” they diagnose.

The political plan expressed in the framework presentation that the party has sent to the members of its national council, the highest decision-making body between congresses, places as a priority making Catalonia “recover the pioneering role in progress” that it had in the State. It is about “returning to eating things,” according to PSC sources, once “the bloc dynamics” have been overcome thanks to the “bravery” with which, in their opinion, the progressive government of Pedro Sánchez has acted in favor of the “dialogue, overcoming conflict, harmony and reunion between Catalans.”

The PSC will call tomorrow, in a national council, the celebration of the fifteenth ordinary congress of training, between March 14 and 16, in which this framework paper will be voted on, which will now receive, within a period of three weeks, the contributions and amendments from the socialist federations.

“Now it’s Catalonia,” the same sources emphasize, reproducing what will probably be the motto of the congress with which they will try to lead the new stage, which they base on three categories: Catalanism, as the backbone of Catalonia instead of independence. ; democracy, to fight against the extreme right and return to the Catalan institutions (Parliament, presidency of the Generalitat and Catalan administration) “the prestige” lost due to “partisan and personalist” use. And progress, to protect rights and mitigate the effects of economic crises.

Convinced that the Government has been failing for “many years,” the PSC is committed to “a government that governs with rigor, without unattainable ideas or illusory projects,” and with flexibility “so that any obstacle does not become an impediment or be the excuse to find someone to blame for inaction,” they maintain.

According to the presentation to which La Vanguardia has had access, the action with which the PSC wants the Generalitat to “recover the institutional trust” of citizens is based on six axes: dialogue and coexistence, ecological transition, economic growth (“just and sustainable”), knowledge and talent, full equality between men and women, and more well-being and equal opportunities.

In the first area, the party reaffirms itself in the federal model and proposes promoting a new cycle of major agreements. To begin with, in terms of financing, which must be “fairer for Catalonia but at the same time in solidarity with the rest of Spain.” Also for “the deployment” of the current Statute – the PSC does not propose its reform –, and for greater collaboration between the Government and the city councils.

In sectoral policies, the presentation highlights “the very worrying delay” that Catalonia is suffering in terms of renewable energies, and therefore in the fight against climate change, but also highlights the commitment to “recover industrial leadership” and for a sector “sustainable and quality work” tourism.

At the same time, it points out the need to “modernize” the agri-food sector, give a new direction to security policies and undertake an “urgent investment” in infrastructure. Here they mention the “expansion” of the El Prat airport and the railway connections with the ports of Barcelona and Tarragona.