The actor and dancer Roberto G. Alonso suffered a homophobic attack yesterday morning in the middle of the street, in Barcelona’s Eixample. The artist was heading to the presentation of the season at the Fundació Brossa – Center de les Arts Lliures when he had an incident with a man who insulted him and, when he threatened to report him, he attacked him, pulled his hair, and threw him to the ground and kicked him.

The playwright Josep Maria Maria Miró was the one who reported these events on social networks: “Today I am very angry. This morning they attacked my friend Roberto G. Alonso when he was walking calmly down the street heading to the press conference for a show where, Precisely, we also talk about this type of situation.” Ten years ago, the artist already suffered a similar attack.

Miró is referring to the show Jo, travesti, of which he is the author and which Roberto G. Alonso, together with the musician Jordi Cornudella, premiered at the Grec Festival, in a gallery of the old Model prison.

The show, which denounces the attacks and contempt towards this group from an artistic point of view throughout the last century, could also be seen at FiraTàrrega in a theater version and will now be presented at the Center de les Arts Lliures, from September 27 to October 15.