The Provincial Prosecutor’s Office supports the decision of the Investigative Court number 15 of Valencia to archive the case opened against the former vice president of the Consell Mónica Oltra and several of her collaborators in the Department of Equality for the alleged concealment of the case of abuse committed by her ex-husband.

In a report submitted to the court, to which EFE has had access, the Public Ministry confirms that it does not observe signs of criminality in any of those investigated.

The prosecutor points out that at the time of the events there was no protocol for action in cases like this nor an obligation to take the matter directly to the Public Ministry, and he considers that the victim – who was a minor at the time of the abuses for which Oltra’s ex-husband has been convicted – she did not report possible irregular behavior by the people who cared for her in the first place.

Regarding the analysis of the emails exchanged between Oltra’s closest collaborators after the abuse case, the Public Ministry insists that they have not provided any relevant information.

The aforementioned Valencian court agreed on April 2 to provisionally dismiss the case opened against Mónica Oltra – for which she resigned in 2022 – and several of her collaborators, although the accusations filed appeals against it and it will be the Provincial Court that will resolve the bottom of this matter.

In a 96-page order, the instructor, Vicente Ríos, stated that “it has not been proven, not even at the level of the evidence, that Oltra, nor any other person from the Department, issued any order, instruction, instructions or indication. to those investigated” in relation to the case of his ex, Luis Ramírez, in prison for abuse of a young woman under the guardianship of the Generalitat who was a minor at the time of the events.

The judge added last April that “each and every one of the indications that supported at the time the provisional judicial accusations against the people investigated have completely vanished” when all the necessary procedures were carried out to determine the nature and circumstances of the facts. investigated and for which Oltra, former leader of Compromís, left his position as number two of the then Consell chaired by Ximo Puig.

The investigation was opened against a total of fifteen people and was focused on clarifying whether the opening of an administrative file on this matter had the purpose of hiding the case or discrediting the minor who suffered abuse from Mónica Oltra’s then husband.

This case had its origin, once the process against Oltra’s ex-husband was completed, in the complaints presented by the minor, who is legally represented by a historic leader of Spain 2000, and with Vox and Gobierna-te as popular accusations. EFE