The harsh images recorded in a bullfighting event during the Barbastro festivities (Huesca) have led the coordinating prosecutor of the Environment and Urban Planning Unit of the State Attorney General’s Office to open investigation proceedings for a possible crime of animal abuse,

The events took place last Wednesday, when during the unboxing of a fighting bull in the arena of the town of Huesca, the bull violently attacked several calves that were already on the sand of the bullring. The Prosecutor’s Office, which explains that there were several minors among the audience, has asked Seprona to carry out the pertinent investigations.

The Franz Weber animal rights foundation placed emphasis on the presence of minors in the square while these acts “of obvious violence” were taking place, which it described as “sadistic.” In their note, they warn the Government of Aragon that, by promulgating regulations that allow the participation of minors in releases and bull runs and by not requiring access restrictions for certain ages, “it is promoting that girls and boys can contemplate and naturalize animal abuse. ”.

For their part, political parties such as Chunta Aragonesista and Izquierda Unida also reacted against it and called for the resignation or dismissal of the local Festejos councillor, Lorena Espiérrez. “This aberrant animal abuse that has occurred in the Barbastro bullring cannot go unpunished politically,” said the CHA spokesman in the town, José Luis Parra.

Faced with the cascade of criticism, the bullfighting company responsible for the event wanted to make light of the matter. According to what the person in charge of it, Carlos Sánchez, told the newspaper Heraldo de Aragón, they consider that the event is “a disaster in which brave bulls come out, and as such they behave, it is the usual thing.” Furthermore, he assured that, despite the attacks suffered, all the halters “are fine”, because they are “strong animals that have these mishaps daily in the livestock farms.”

The businessman also rejected criticism for the presence of minors in the arena, since the entry of children is allowed “in any bullfighting show in Spain, and it depends on each parent or guardian whether they take them or not.”

Meanwhile, the mayor of Barbastro, the popular Fernando Torres, agreed with the businessman by pointing out that they are brave bulls that charge, and that there was a moment of more tension because they came from a very long trip, “but in the end all the oxen were cared for.” by veterinarians and they are in perfect condition.”

Torres also flatly rejected the classification of these events as “sadism or barbarism” because, in his opinion, “it shows a total ignorance of the bullfighting festival and the culture of the bull with very unfortunate comments, because no one protects the brave cattle more than the bulls.” own farmers and fans.” “An act of sadism would occur when there were human beings, but in the end there were two brave animals that attacked each other but this happens, has happened and will happen,” he indicated.

The Barbastro festivities have in their program several bullfighting celebrations. On the 5th there was a release of heifers; on the 6th, the controversial disagreement with the children’s show; on the 7th, the ‘Casta Aragonesa’ trimmers and another release of heifers; and this Friday, the bullfight for the right-handers Sánchez Vara, Imanol Sánchez, and “El Galo”.