The neighborhood protests have reached the courts and the Environment section of the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Madrid has initiated a pre-procedural investigation into the capital’s City Council for an alleged crime against the planning of the territory due to the construction of the “cleaning or waste” canton. ” in the Forest Park of the Vicálvaro district.

The resolution, to which EFE has had access, is dated October 16 and, according to a press release from the neighbors, means the “immediate” stoppage of the works, although municipal sources deny this.

On September 20, the platform of neighbors affected by the canton of Vicálvaro critical of the location of the future canton, which will be located on Villablanca and Abad Juan Catalán streets, reported the Madrid City Council to the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office for the aforementioned alleged crime.

In the complaint, the neighbors requested the immediate stoppage of the works to open the investigation for a “possible environmental crime” and asked that before continuing the works, the environmental impact that could be generated could be measured.

After a municipal event, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has shown his “total and absolute” respect for the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office, while highlighting the “peace of mind” that comes from being “absolutely sure” of that “they have acted in accordance with the law.” “We will give all the necessary explanations,” Almeida added.

For his part, the delegate of Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, has considered it “legitimate” for the residents of Vicálvaro “to go to any instance” that they deem appropriate “to try to defend the interests that are harmed.”

“In any case, the neighbors and the left have gone to the Prosecutor’s Office on three occasions for canton issues, and it has been filed on three occasions, and they have also gone to the Ombudsman, who has expressed himself in a clear and resounding manner. in the need to execute these cantons immediately and also do so in the locations decided by the Madrid City Council,” Carabante stressed in his response.

Carabante has asserted, in this sense, that the municipal government has “full guarantee” that the matter “is being carried out in accordance with urban planning, and, therefore, in accordance with the legislation and the administrative procedure.”

Asked about this, the municipal spokesperson for Más Madrid, Rita Maestre, was happy that there was “a judicial process” regarding the neighbors’ complaint and insisted that the place chosen by the City Council is “incorrect” and There are other alternatives.

“Not only does the City Council not have to take sides, it has to act immediately,” he expressed in statements to the press after attending a demonstration by nursery school staff to improve their working conditions.