Barcelona has made the decision to certify Xavi’s continuity as head of the team, and it is undoubtedly something that generates a strong debate. It is difficult to gauge today whether this is a positive thing or not. But it does allow us to make certain reflections.

The first, and I think it is fundamental, is to consider what the authentic options could be apart from Xavi’s. Because in the end what counts is being able to choose the best among the existing possibilities. And if this decision has been made it is because the other options generated fewer guarantees.

It is clear that Xavi has aspects to improve in the management of the team, but on the other hand he has shown qualities that have enriched the team over the course of the season. I do believe that the current Barcelona is better than the one at the beginning of the season. And in the end they will be second in the League and have been eliminated in the Champions League by a team whose salary cap I believe is much higher than that of the Barça squad. And it is also fair to recognize that both in that tie and in the last game against Madrid there has been some bad luck.

There is great potential with the young players in the squad. That is, of course, the golden nugget of the Barça heritage, and I think that no one can doubt that Xavi is one of the people who can best manage it. Allowing his growth to take Barcelona to the maximum of its sporting capacity.

He has also shown that he knows how to handle himself beyond the imposed style. Something that is fundamental, because there are styles that are only sustained if you are better than your rival. And of course, given Barcelona’s current economic situation, there are several teams in Europe better than Barcelona. But there have been, and this is very important, games where Barcelona has known how to handle itself without carrying the weight of the match.

But Xavi has to learn to manage adversity with greater resilience. He cannot make the mistake of becoming worn down by criticism, no matter how unfair it may seem to him. It is not worth facing an environment that is going to drain your energy and that, deep down, you are not directly responsible for the team’s capacity. He should not fall into the error of becoming confused by not finding recognition in the task carried out nor should he try to teach about what happens with arbitrations.

Then there are two more protagonists. On the one hand, the players, and I think I understand that the locker room believes in him and is committed to his continuity. And on the other hand, the board and the sports director, who must learn that if you want to have a leader who will lead you to success, the first thing you have to do is protect him and not use his continuity as a shield.