The progressive member Concepción Sáez has submitted her resignation to the acting president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) given the “unsustainable” situation that the body is experiencing, which has expired since December 2018.

Sources from the organ have explained, as reported by, that the member sent a letter to Rafael Mozo informing him of his resignation. The acting president is considering the acceptance of the resignation, as established in article 582.1 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary, which will not take place before the plenary session on the 30th.

Sáez, a member proposed by Izquierda Unida, had been considering his resignation for some time, according to sources from the organ. Despite the fact that the member had delivered the letter to the president several days ago, the rest of the members had not been informed of this decision.

Sáez will be the second member of the body of judges to resign due to the blockade situation in the renewal of the CGPJ, which has been going on for more than five years. The previous president, Carlos Lesmes, was also forced to leave his position after the inability of the PP and PSOE to agree to renew the 20 members of the Council.

The member explains in the letter, dated the 13th, that she has made the decision due to the situation that the Council is experiencing, where a series of decisions cannot be made after the latest reform limited its functions while it was in office timed out. “I consider it useless, legally and politically, my continuity in this scenario of radical and perhaps already irreversible degradation of the institution,” the text collects.

The Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, has defended the resignation of Concepción Sáez and has assured that it is “absolutely legitimate and unassailable”.

“People like this member, who have a certain sensitivity and who are very concerned about the Judiciary, as is the case, it seems to me that he made a decision that, from a personal point of view, is absolutely legitimate and unassailable. The situation of the Power Judicial is very serious,” Bolaños said in an interview on Cadena Ser.

“The situation that the PP is leading to in the Judiciary after more than four years is that they are entrenched. The judicial right is entrenched in the Judiciary and in the General Council of the Judiciary because they are maintaining the law a distribution of vowels which corresponds to the absolute majority of the Popular Party”, he explained.