Pressure and make the negotiations with the independence supporters as difficult as possible for Pedro Sánchez. That is the strategy of the PP after the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and it has not even waited for the king to designate a new candidate to begin that pressure, which makes it difficult, or at least hinders, to give in to the secessionists in their claims.

The PP will present tomorrow in the Senate registry, where it has an absolute majority, a motion for debate in the next plenary session, in which the Upper House will vote against the amnesty for those responsible for the process, against any “political negotiation”, aimed at obtaining parliamentary support for the investiture as president of the Government that includes, as compensation, the granting of an amnesty, express or veiled, or any form of pardon or judicial benefit, which in one way or another seeks to favor the accused persons for the illegal secession process perpetrated in Catalonia.

Likewise, the motion expresses the need to recover the crime of sedition “improving and updating its classification to punish the most serious forms of constitutional disloyalty, as well as regulating other unfair acts committed by public officials, aimed at endangering peace and security.” constitutional order, as is the case of the calling of unauthorized referendums or consultations, or initiatives of all kinds that seek to undermine the credit of Spain in the international community”, as well as returning to the penalties for embezzlement that existed before the latest reform of the Penal Code.

The PP wants the Senate to reject Carles Puigdemont’s demands for an investiture, especially the amnesty for those prosecuted for the process, considering that “a demand of this nature – that is, proceeding to dynamite the rule of law as a preliminary step or nuclear element of a negotiation – would be immediately discarded, as an unaffordable condition for forming a government, by any democratic political party.

In the text of the motion that the PP will put to a vote, it is highlighted that Pedro Sánchez is willing to grant this amnesty, according to the Government’s statements, and remembers that even the second vice-presidency, Yolanda Díaz, traveled to Brussels to meet with Carles Puigdemont . fled from justice, who would be the main beneficiary of that amnesty.

And all this despite the fact that “as all prestigious jurists are reiterating these days, amnesty does not fit in any way in our Constitution. Not only because of the express prohibition of general pardons in its article 62. i), but because Its implications collide head-on with such essential constitutional principles as the subjection of public powers to the law (and especially the Cortes Generales, as a legislative power), the prohibition of arbitrariness, judicial independence within the framework of the separation of powers, legal certainty or the principle of equality between citizens”.

The PP maintains that the 1977 amnesty had “its reason and its meaning when more than forty years ago Spain transitioned from a dictatorship to a democracy, it is an absolute legal-political nonsense within a fully democratic country and a member of the Union European, as Spain is.”

The motion, as Alberto Núñez Feijóo already said in his investiture debate, emphasizes that “the Spaniards do not deserve a government that is born ethically flawed and whose survival will be permanently conditioned by those who attempted, just six years ago, to go bankrupt through a act of force the constitutional order and the very integrity of Spain, which have never shown the slightest sign of repentance, and who never tire of repeating that they will try again as soon as they have the opportunity.

The PP also warns that the independentistas will do it again “from the moment they have been suitably rehabilitated to return to their old ways through the work of Pedro Sánchez”, the same Pedro Sánchez who “not so many years ago, promised to “bring return to Puigdemont to be held accountable before Justice”, but now, for the sole reason of adding in Congress the votes that the polls did not give him, he does not hesitate to deny himself and his party’s own electoral program, where – as in the program of its Government partners – there is no mention of the granting of amnesties or favorable treatment to those responsible for the 2017 coup attempt.

The PP emphasizes in its motion that more than the color of the Government is at stake, since what is really decided is “neither more nor less than the integrity and prestige of our democratic system, which would be seriously damaged in the case of that the Cortes Generales went to the extreme of approving an amnesty law, more or less covert, that would assume that what was unjust was not the actions of the political leaders of the secessionist attempt of October 2017 in Catalonia – and that it would now receive a retroactive patent of legitimacy – but the ruling of the Supreme Court that condemned them. And all this for the sole reason that a candidate for the Presidency of the Government whose party has lost the elections is willing to do anything to avoid losing power. “.

The last part of the PP motion calls for recovering the policy of pacts that made the transition and approval of the Constitution possible, in the same sense as the speech that Alberto Núñez Feijóo gave before Congress at his failed investiture.