The PP of Ayuso and Vox will show their rupture by not carrying out several laws in the last plenary session

The Assembly of Madrid will host this Thursday what will be its last plenary session of the XII Legislature before dissolving on April 4 for the electoral campaign for the next regional and municipal elections on May 28.

This plenary session will demonstrate the break between PP and Vox, since those of Rocío Monasterio have warned that they will vote against the law proposed by the regional government for the deduction of the regional section of personal income tax for foreign investors if the ‘popular’ “continue in the same line” and do not open this benefit to the rest of the people of Madrid.

In his opinion, it is “an obligation” of the president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to look after “the people of Madrid” first. For this reason, she warned this week that they were not going to support this Thursday “a law of privileges for foreigners if the same conditions are not given to the people of Madrid.”

Given this, Ayuso has transferred to the Vox spokesperson that “he does not know the damage they are causing because the Wealth Tax, which is against Madrid, is causing serious damage.” As he has exposed, from the regional government they seek to “correct it within the little competition” they have for it.

In addition, this Thursday the modification of the Law for the Regulation and Coordination of Urban Transport of the Community of Madrid will be taken to plenary session before which Vox has also left its support in the air if they do not attend to its amendments to this initiative.

In another order of things, the Government Bill for the creation of the Official College of Tourism Professionals of the Community of Madrid will also be voted on and the vice president, Minister of Education and Universities, Enrique Ossorio, will appear to report on the situation of Vocational Training; the Minister of Health, Enrique Ruiz Escuder, on SERMAS; and the Minister of the Environment, Housing and Agriculture, Paloma Martín, who will take stock of her management.

Next, three Non-Legal Proposals (NLP) on climate refuges, a health recovery plan and Vox’s personal income tax reduction proposal will be debated.

As usual, the Government Control session will begin at 10 a.m. with a question from the spokesperson for Unidas Podemos, Alejandra Jacinto, to the president, who will be asked for an assessment of access to housing in the Community of Madrid.

Next, Monasterio will ask him how he guarantees equal opportunities for the people of Madrid, while the PSOE spokesman, Juan Lobato, will ask him for an assessment of institutional political stability.

The spokesperson for Más Madrid, Mónica García, will do so for the situation of nursing homes and her PP counterpart, Pedro Muñoz Abrines, for the current political, economic and social situation in the region.

Of the rest of the questions addressed to the directors, topics such as transparency, inequality in the Community of Madrid, budgets, business acceleration program for creative and cultural industries and declaring Navacerrada an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) stand out.

Being the last plenary session of the Legislature, which began after the early elections two years ago, the parliamentary groups will take advantage of the parliamentary space to take stock of it. More Madrid believes that between this and the previous one there have been “four lost years” since Ayuso took office in 2019. “He cannot boast of anything or talk about anything that has improved in the Community,” reproaches the formation.

For this party, the regional leader “has destroyed Health, nursing homes” and has focused on uttering “insults to all Madrid residents, taxi drivers, toilets, women and the LGTBI collective.”

For its part, the PSOE branded this Legislature as “anomalous”, with “the largest increase in waiting lists, without doctors in health centers, without places for FP and a single budget in four years.” “It has not been able to help families to live better in Madrid and that is the challenge we are facing,” he launched.

Along these lines, Unidas Podemos indicated that it has been “short and unsuccessful”, with a president who has not acted as such, but as “commercial, at the service of certain companies in health, education and housing matters.”

Vox, for its part, without going into assessing Ayuso’s management, stressed that his party has done “everything possible” to reverse issues in the Community such as “repealing laws that destroy the identity of women” and “protecting the merchants”.

The PP celebrated these “intense and enormously useful years” for all Madrid residents, where the Community of Madrid has demonstrated its “absolute commitment and transparency”.

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