The lack of seats for a majority in the sum of PP, Vox, UPN and CC (172) forces the popular to seek votes or abstentions in nationalist parties to achieve an investiture for Alberto Nuñez Feijóo. In this sense, Elías Bendodo, popular general coordinator, has claimed that “you have to talk to all” the political parties although “not swallow everything”.

When asked by Junts, Bendodo has insisted on the PP’s ability to “talk to everyone”, although he has specified that this does not mean “agreeing with everyone” or “swallowing everything”. The popular general coordinator has assured that “we have not established contacts” with Puigdemont’s party, although he has recalled that “the result of the investiture will depend on Junts.”

It should be remembered that at the end of July, the PP’s deputy secretary for regional and local coordination, Pedro Rollán, opened the door for the first time to speak with Junts “within the Constitution.” However, that claim was refuted the next day by Alejandro Fernández, the leader of the PP in Catalonia, and Cuca Gamarra, the party’s spokesperson in Congress. “We will not have any type of negotiation with Puigdemont,” Fernández declared.

From the Popular Party they are aware that the investiture of Feijóo prospers they need -minimum- the abstention of nationalist parties such as the PNV or Junts, although the first of them has ruled out that option.

In this sense, Bendodo recalled that “today the PP is four votes or four abstentions” from a majority. “Sánchez only adds 121, not even Sumar has said yes to him,” added the popular coordinator.

Along the same lines that Cuca Gamarra drew yesterday after the meeting of the PP Management Committee, Bendodo has assured that they aspire “to preside over the table of Congress”, to which he has given importance by being “the one who leads the debate.”

The popular general coordinator also hopes to “form a government alone, with only PP ministers.” Thus, Bendodo has affirmed that they continue to “negotiate with discretion” and that the Popular Party is “a transversal party”.

Lastly, Bendodo insisted that “Sánchez is capable of anything to remain in the Moncloa chair” and recalled that “he who has won the elections in Spain has always governed”. “What would be unprecedented would be for the loser to opt for the Presidency”, he concluded.