The Popular Party of Mataró appeared today at a press conference to demand that the Socialist Government give explanations for the serious accusations it is receiving from different organizations. On the other hand, the City Council, for its part, demands that a series of assessments be published as a right to rectify the news published yesterday.

The Anti-Frau Office, the TSJC and the Prosecutor’s Office have issued resolutions in which they condemn the City Council or in which they request that very serious crimes such as prevarication, harassment and document falsification be investigated, the PP cites in the press release. Given this, Escribano considers an “intolerable and constant silence” on the part of the City Council, which uses a clear strategy to shelve the issues without giving public explanations, which is why the PP has presented a request for an Extraordinary Plenary Session to address these issues. publicly and that the municipal government provides explanations.

They also want to know the extent of the involvement of the previous human resources councilor and current socialist deputy in Congress, Juan Carlos Jerez, whom the Prosecutor’s Office has also pointed out. Escribano has stated that “we cannot allow this silence any longer, citizens deserve answers and transparency, and that is why we invite the rest of the parties to join this call.” “We will get to the end, whatever the cost and whoever falls,” he declared.

For its part, the municipal government alludes to the right of rectification to issue the following assessments: