The Popular Party has accused the President of the Government and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, of using the official Falcon plane to attend the Political Convention of the Galician Socialists in Santiago de Compostela this Saturday, something that they consider is not new and is ” unacceptable”, an exercise in “arrogance”.

Through its profile on the social network to travel between A Coruña and the Galician capital, where he arrived after visiting the Navantia shipyard facilities in Ferrol early in the morning.

“Of course, the environmental agenda, climate progressivism and spouting morals in Dubai,” the PP has reproached him in reference to COP28, the climate change summit held in the United Arab Emirates. For the PP, this attitude also shows why Sánchez “gives everything to the independence movement.”

For the Galician PP, using the Falcon to go from A Coruña to Santiago “must be what Pedro Sánchez calls ‘ecological transition’.” It is about a 12 minute trip.

In this regard, the PP spokesperson in Congress, Miguel Tellado, has criticized on the same social network that “the audacity, arrogance and arrogance” of the head of the Executive “has no limits.”

“Using the official Falcon to attend a party event is inadmissible. Partisan use of public means. It rains in the wet,” he lamented.

Tellado has charged against the Government for wanting to eliminate short flights and, instead, taking the Spaniards “for short”. “They are not going to silence us,” he said.

Along the same lines, the deputy secretary of Mobilization and Digital Challenge of the PP, Noelia Núñez, has maintained that traveling by Falcon between A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela is “as ridiculous as going from Fuenlabrada to Navacerrada by plane.” “He does, you don’t. Does this short flight not pollute?” she questioned.

Before the general elections, Sánchez denied having used the official plane to go to his political party’s rallies and assured that if it were for the PP and Vox he would have to travel by “hitchhiking” because they do not recognize the legitimacy of his Government.