The syndic of the PP in the Valencian Courts, Miguel Barrachina, has accused the PSPV and Compromís of having carried out “a programmed boycott” against the start of the school year, but he has warned them that “this boycott is not going to work well because the course will start as normal thanks to the delivery and dedication of the Ministry’s staff”.

He said this after pointing out that the Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, will appear to report on everything related to the start of the 2023-2024 school year in the Valencian Community, “and he will do so once the course has started, which begins on Monday, September 11.” “It is the minister who has requested his appearance in the Chamber” added the union.

The PSPV and Compromís have requested that Rovira appear before the Permanent Council called for this Friday to give explanations about the “chaos” generated in the process of awarding teaching positions. The PSPV trustee, Rebeca Torró, has criticized the veto of the PP and Vox to the appearance of the minister, and has branded the decision as “incredible arrogance and lack of respect for all Valencians”, because, in her opinion, ” If there is a topic to be discussed in the Permanent Council, due to its urgency, it is this”. From the PP, Barrachina has assured that Rovira will appear in Les Corts, but it does not make sense, he has said, for him to do so when the school year has not yet started.

Rebeca Torró, for her part, has criticized the Consell for hiding from giving explanations because it is “incompetent and has no project”, and has criticized that this government is “a generator of chaos and problems”.

From Compromís, its ombudsman, Joan Baldoví, has defended the appearance of the minister in the Permanent Deputation, but also the creation of an investigation commission that determines “the causes that have caused this mess and determines who has been responsible and if there has been alteration in the algorithms when awarding certain places”.