It seems that tomorrow’s plenary session of Congress will be at least harsh, cannon fodder for social networks. The taking into consideration and urgent processing of the amnesty law proposal, which the PSOE registered on November 13, will be debated. It will, without a doubt, make it the most polarized mandate in recent years. The political right, with the PP and Vox, and the media have revolted. He did it even more when Pedro Sánchez admitted that it was not in his plans to carry out a rule like this. Parliamentary arithmetic, however, forced him to admit it if he wanted to repeat as President of the Government.

At the moment it is the great achievement of the Catalan independence movement. It will have the support of 178 deputies, and the lawyers of the Lower House do not see any impediment. The absolute majority is 176. But at the same time it binds Esquerra and Junts to approve the general budgets of the State, at least those of the first section of the legislature. It even forces them to approve the omnibus law that the socialists are preparing. It must be taken into account that the legislative process of the amnesty law is expected to end around April. The calendar binds them.

It is a quid pro quo with possible impact also on the Catalan budgets. ERC considers that Sánchez’s investiture pact commits the PSC to endorsing them.

Everything indicates that the PP will present an appeal for unconstitutionality when the criminal forgetfulness rule is approved, to even request a precautionary suspension. Until then, the popular ones have as their weapon their absolute majority in the Senate, which can put a damper on the processing and delay the law for a few weeks.

If everything goes according to the script and is finally approved in the Congress of Deputies, the judges will be in charge of interpreting and applying the amnesty to all those prosecuted by the process from January 2012 to November of this year. At the moment, the law has raised dust in high judicial instances: the conservative members of the Judiciary took a position against it when not even a draft of the rule had yet been made public.

There has also been a response on the streets, with the PP and Vox calling for demonstrations on weekends, and the extreme right, for the most part, protesting in front of the PSOE headquarters in Madrid.

The plenary session on the amnesty has desserts. They will be served on Thursday. This is when Congress will debate the creation of investigative commissions that Sánchez also agreed to in exchange for his re-election as president of the central Executive. There are three: on the Catalunya operation and “the actions of the Ministry of the Interior during the PP governments in relation to alleged irregularities that link senior police officials and commanders with the existence of a parapolice plot” –requested by JxCat and the PNV–; about “the right to know the truth (…) of the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils” on August 17 and 18, 2017 – also claimed by these two parties – and about the espionage with Pegasus and Candiru of around sixty people from the pro-independence environment –requested by Esquerra Republicana, EH Bildu and the Mixed Group.

In this sense, the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, will testify this Wednesday in the Ciutat de la Justícia, in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, before the investigating court that has taken charge of the complaint he filed for this espionage.