The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has publicly requested the temporary withdrawal of the iPhone 12 from stores while the doubts generated about its level of emissions are clarified. The OCU’s request joins the one made yesterday by the French authorities after the French National Frequency Agency warned that the emissions of non-ionizing waves from this model of mobile phone exceed the legal limit set by the European Union.

According to the results of the measurements carried out by this French organization, the limits are only exceeded in the measurements made on the user’s extremities (where they must not exceed 4 W/kg), but not on the head or trunk (the maximum are 2 w/Kg) and only in the worst possible conditions: with the mobile transmitting at maximum power, on the most unfavorable network and with the terminal in the position in which the antenna hits the body the most.

In this sense, the OCU tries to reassure the users of these terminals and emphasizes that, in addition, the EU safety limits are 50 times lower than those necessary for an increase of one degree Celsius in the temperature of the terminal. head.

However, the consumer defense and protection organization wants the Spanish and European authorities to review and confirm the emissions made by these devices, as well as the rest of the mobile phones on the market, for greater confidence and peace of mind for users.

The OCU has also urged Apple to solve the problem of excess emissions in the iPhone 12 detected by the French authorities quickly and free of charge for its users.