The nine occupational Mental Health workshops of the Ambulatory Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the José Germain public University Hospital, monograph on care in this area, have totaled 4,908 attendances so far this year and, in total, 267 patients, both admitted and outpatients. , have benefited during the first eight months from these therapeutic activities offered by the complex, located in Leganés.

Coinciding with the celebration of World Mental Health Day, the Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Fátima Matute, has stressed that these figures demonstrate the priority that mental health constitutes for the Community of Madrid and, in this framework, has It has been announced that this resource will incorporate 14 new professionals, who will join another 4 who have joined since 2020.

During his visit to this resource, on the occasion of the celebration of World Mental Health Day, Matute learned how the complex and rehabilitative treatment of those suffering from this type of pathology is approached in a comprehensive and personalized way.

“The workshops allow them to maximize their self-care abilities and promote their autonomy and independence with the highest possible level of well-being,” stressed the counselor, who has also shared experiences with some of her beneficiaries, including those who carry out arts activities. graphics, or those of carpentry and forging.

These patients are also integrated into the region’s healthcare community as they handcraft the trophies for the annual Estrella Princesa and Nativity scene hospital cooking competitions organized by the Ministry of Health.

For their part, those on physical education, domestic skills and audiovisual content are some with the greatest participation, and the most requested by outpatients, many of whom reside in supervised apartments.

Other users, however, carry out their occupational therapy in the Hospital’s agricultural center, where crops are prepared, both in pots and in the open field in the garden (summer season). The last workshop was the hiking one, which already has 120 actions registered in the first months of the year.

The tutors not only participate in the multidisciplinary team made up of psychiatrists, psychologists and occupational technicians in the coordination, design and execution of the personal Treatment and Rehabilitation Plan. They also carry out individual monitoring of each of the beneficiary users of this public resource.

The Community of Madrid is implementing the Mental Health and Addictions Plan, in which 371 specific professionals in this area and different categories are being incorporated, such as Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Nursing specialist in Mental Health and occupational therapists, among others, with a investment of 45 million euros for the years 2022-2024.

Along with this, the number of professionals who will be trained in the centers of the Madrid Health Service (Sermas) in specialties linked to Mental Health has been increased by 10%, until reaching 157 places in the next call.