The nursing professionals at the Calella (Maresme) and Blanes (La Selva) hospitals in charge of preparing and administering medications to patients have incorporated a vest to avoid interruptions while carrying out this work. The main objective of the Stop Interruptions project is to improve patient safety and prevent errors from occurring during the preparation and administration of drugs. Different scientific studies show that interruptions are one of the main causes of errors in the medication given to patients.

A year ago, in February 2023, a pilot test began in different hospitalization floors of both centers and the initiative was extended until it was incorporated into all hospitalization units. Nursing professionals dedicate approximately 27% of their daily work to preparing and administering medications. At that moment he puts on a blue vest with the message on the back: “We are preparing medication. Do not interrupt”. In this way we want to reduce distractions resulting from interruptions and prevent medication errors from occurring.

Taking into account that it is a moment that requires a lot of concentration. The professional can only be interrupted in emergency situations. In the hospitals of Calella and Blanes, the number of times that professionals are interrupted has been measured. It has been seen that an average of one interruption occurs every two minutes during the activity of preparing and administering medications in hospitalization units and that they are mainly concentrated in the morning and afternoon shifts.

“One of the main tasks of nursing professionals in hospitalization wards is to prepare the patients’ medication.” This is a job that requires a lot of concentration to avoid errors. “We are in an initial phase of raising awareness and raising awareness a new way of working between the professionals themselves and the companions who are the ones who make the most demands.” The results, they assure, will be seen in the medium and long term, since they are closely related to the safety culture of the organization and now it has been taken a very important first step, says the Corporation’s Patient Safety nurse, Anna Solanas.

Scientific studies -ENEAS, promoted by the Ministry of Health- highlight that 37.4% of errors linked to hospital care are related to the use of medications, and of these, 43% could be avoided. In this case, the administration of medication is a prone time for errors to occur given the volume of interruptions that professionals receive during their preparation. In the case of the Corporation’s hospitals, the interruptions are focused on the professionals from the center itself, the companions and the telephone calls.

The vest increases safety for the benefit of patients and after the pilot test a slight improvement has begun to be seen in this area. This new clothing has helped above all to raise awareness and create a more favorable environment to reduce the risk of making mistakes.