The new president of the Port Authority of Valencia, Mar Chao, took office this afternoon in an institutional event chaired by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, with the assistance of the mayor of Valencia María José Catalá, the delegate of the Government Pilar Bernabé and the president of State Ports, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena.

And under the premise of “working with pick and shovel” – he already highlighted it in his first public intervention a few weeks ago after his first Board of Directors – Chao has highlighted “the complexity of the challenges: making the North Terminal a reality, improving maritime connectivity and land, increase the share of rail transport by betting on multimodality, achieving our zero emissions goal or continuing to bet on innovation.”

The president of the APV has stated “that there is no room for failure or passivity. Outside the fence, the world moves very fast, it is very difficult to follow, we have no seconds to lose.”

Chao concluded by stating that, “from the Port Authority of Valencia, we will work tirelessly to generate prosperity for our beloved Valencian Community and Spain, increasing the competitiveness of our clients through the effective and sustainable provision of logistics and transport services, all without forget about the environment, an aspect that is of capital relevance. We are an economic and logistical space, but we are also Valencia, we are Sagunto and we are Gandía.”

Catalá, who is already part of the Board of Directors chaired by Chao, has highlighted that “Valenciaport’s challenges must remain outside the political debate. The port is a tractor of industries and a tractor of companies and you cannot put a spanner in the wheel.”

And he has not missed the opportunity to demand the completion of the northern terminal, as he has defended that “the Port cannot stop, it is our objective, along with the use of clean energy and decarbonization.” The mayor has also stated that “we need a city that opens to the Port because Valencia is not a city without its port, and the port is not a port without its city. The time for understanding has come.”

Rodríguez Dapena has also made reference to this understanding, who has insisted on the idea of ??the Port as a unifying agent. “Now it’s time for the north terminal, together we are going to achieve it.” “We generate a lot of prosperity in our environment, we have to open the port to the city, so that the citizen feels the port as theirs, as the engine of their well-being.”

For his part, the president of the Generalitat has stressed the need to work together. “The Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencia City Council go hand in hand with Valenciaport. And we are going to work hard for the Port.”

Mazón has stated that “we are going to support the Port at this time of crossroads” and has defended that the northern terminal is the first issue to deal with since it is “a national issue.” The challenge is, for Mazón, “to convert the new terminal “north in a state matter far from militarism and disputes between political parties. We need a date in a Council of Ministers.”

More than 200 people attended the event and it was attended by Darío Moreno, mayor of Sagunt; José Manuel Prieto, mayor of Gandia; or the Minister of the Environment, Salomé Pradas, among others.