The joint motorized patrol device of Mossos d’Esquadra and Local Police in Mataró (Maresme), focused on combating criminal recidivism, has made 242 arrests during the first year of operation. Of these arrests, 44% have been due to pending judicial or police requests, and therefore associated with multiple recidivism.

During these first 12 months of operation, these same patrols have drawn up almost 1,500 seizure reports for non-compliance with the Citizen Security Law, 90% of which have been for possession or consumption of narcotic substances in public spaces and, 10 Remaining % for possession of objects considered dangerous.

The data were presented in a press conference by the councilor of Mataró Segura, Núria Moreno; the head of the Basic Police Area of ??Mataró of Mossos d’Esquadra, inspector Josep Maria Cavallé; and the Deputy Chief of the Local Police, Mayor Xavier Santajuliana.

In April 2022, the Mossos d’Esquadra police station in Mataró established a pilot test of police equipment with motorcycles intended to carry out intensive and planned patrolling in areas where the greatest need for police presence is detected, either due to a feeling of insecurity or due to detection of criminal problems.

With the desire to expand the range of police presence hours, in September 2022 more officers were assigned to cover a stable and extensive schedule of mornings and afternoons, and exclusively in the afternoons and evenings during weekends. As a result of the collaboration with the Local Police, in January 2023 it was agreed to carry out this patrol jointly, especially in the afternoon shift.

Throughout this year, more than 300 motorized patrol work shifts have been carried out, approximately half of which have been with members of both police forces. During each work shift, an average of 25 identifications are made.

The joint motorized patrol of the Local Police and Mossos focused on the proactive prevention of signs of insecurity highlights the police collaboration between the bodies that operate in Mataró to guarantee citizen security and contribute to a better quality of life for citizens.

This collaboration is also materialized with the recent incorporation of the National Police and the Civil Guard in the Mataró Operational Coordination Table, with the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Local Police; and with the interpolice operations that are carried out periodically and in which all the bodies that operate in the city take part -Local Police, Mossos d’Esquadra, National Police and Civil Guard- and that focus on the insecurity problems detected in public spaces and establishments with a multidisciplinary perspective.