The Mossos d’Esquadra have arrested three activists from the Salt Housing Union (Gironès) in an eviction that took place this Wednesday of a woman and her daughter, about 10 years old, who lived in an apartment on Doctor Sambola Street.

Since early in the morning, several Citizen Security and ARRO agents, with the collaboration of the Local Police, have been deployed on the street to execute the court order.

The agents encountered resistance from some members of the Sindicat de l’Habitatge, who wanted to prevent the eviction of the mother and daughter.

About fifty people gathered on Avenida de los Països Catalans, next to the block where they had to evict the apartment, to support the family, and they cut off traffic for two hours.

Once the Mossos managed to enter the apartment, a moment of tension arose and the agents arrested a woman and two men for resisting authority.

Union sources assure that the woman and her daughter have been living in the apartment, owned by an investment fund, for about four years. For its part, the Salt City Council assures that this is a vulnerable family and that municipal social services have been monitoring them for some time. In fact, they helped the woman process the guaranteed citizenship income.

The moment the Local Housing Office learned that the eviction procedure had begun, it sent the case to Ofideute, an entity linked to the Housing Agency of Catalonia, to initiate a sanctioning process against the large owner of the home. in which the mother and son lived due to non-compliance with Catalan law.

According to municipal sources, this is an unfair eviction because a vulnerable family with a minor involved has been evicted.

For the moment, social services have assured that they will guarantee temporary accommodation for the family. Initially it lasts a week, although municipal sources assure that it always lasts longer and it is the social services who assess the situation and accompany the family so as not to leave them on the street.