The Metropolitan Area of ??Barcelona (AMB) has developed a rehabilitation program for the region’s architectural and natural heritage that aims to revalue these spaces and encourage public use of them. The Metropolitan Heritage Network has launched a first set of 11 actions on public parks and buildings and urban elements of high cultural and industrial value.

The first interventions of this metropolitan program are distributed in five public facilities and six parks and have an investment of 12.5 million euros, 4.6 million of them coming from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The rehabilitation works of the Union of Cooperators, in Gavà, are already finished; and Can Bagaria, as a music school, and the Can Mercader park, both in Cornellà de Llobregat.

According to the AMB, the eight remaining actions of this first investment package are in the process of execution and the forecast is that the works will be finished before the end of the year. It is about the project of module C of El Molí, in Molins de Rei; the interior reform of the Larratea house, in Montcada and Reixac; the restoration of the west and east facades of the east covers of the church of the monastery of Sant Cugat del Vallès; and the restorations and improvements of the Torreblanca parks (Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí and Sant Just Desvern), Can Vidalet (Esplugues de Llobregat); Can Solei and Ca l’Arnús (Badalona); Can Buxeres (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat) and the Aigües park, in Montcada and Reixac.

In August 2017, the AMB signed a collaboration agreement with the Generalitat to develop a series of actions within the operational investment program for occupation growth of the Feder funds in Catalonia. The Metropolitan Heritage Network is part of this agreement with actions aimed at the conservation of the environment and cultural heritage in a markedly urban environment. The total investment within the framework of this agreement reaches 64 million euros, with an eligible expense of 49.6 million, half financed by the Feder fund.

The rehabilitated metropolitan facilities and parks, which have a high heritage and architectural quality, fulfill a public function aimed at leisure, environmental awareness and the revitalization of the social and associative fabric. The interventions have made it possible to recover and rehabilitate the cultural and industrial heritage of the metropolitan area, and a network has been created that gives value to important assets while linking them together to promote their revitalization.