MEGA arrives in Spain with the help of Clínica Opción Médica. A revolutionary minimally invasive endoscopic technique that achieves a stomach reduction of more than 70%, results comparable to those obtained in Bariatric Surgeries as effective as the Gastric Sleeve.

This novel procedure consists of reducing the capacity and shape of the stomach without surgery by making large folds in the stomach. The new technique achieves a great limitation of gastric capacity with hardly any side effects or discomfort for the patient.

The objective of oral stomach reduction treatment is to generate a greater feeling of satiety at meals and achieve a better distribution of daily caloric intake.

The new technique is performed in just 25 minutes and entirely endoscopically, that is, without incisions. It also does not require hospital admission, so post-operative discomfort is reduced to a minimum and a quick recovery is guaranteed; In 24 hours the patient can be doing their usual daily activities.

This is why MEGA is proposed as the great alternative to bariatric surgery, being capable of achieving similar results with minimal risk and maximum comfort for the patient.

Additionally, clinical studies conducted to date have shown that, six months later, the positive response rate of patients is higher than with any other endoscopic weight loss treatment. Specifically, more than 85% of patients achieved a weight loss of more than 10%.

MEGA is especially indicated in patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 30 and 40, that is, in patients who suffer from grade I and II obesity. However, it is essential to highlight that the long-term success of any treatment to combat obesity depends largely on the patient’s change of habits towards a healthier lifestyle.

For this reason, the Obesity and Overweight Unit of Clínica Opción Médica offers patients a unique and exclusive 360º follow-up program made up of a renowned multidisciplinary team made up of: doctors, endocrinologists, digestologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, dieticians-nutritionists and coaches. , which accompany the patient for up to three years to help them establish new healthy lifestyle habits and avoid regaining lost weight.

After 40 years of experience and thousands of patients, Clínica Opción Médica has confirmed that the key to success lies in the study of the causes of obesity, along with the combination of the most appropriate treatment accompanied by comprehensive and personalized therapeutic monitoring. This unique approach of which they are also pioneers, based on combining the most cutting-edge techniques such as MEGA with commitment, learning and nutritional re-education, has allowed them to achieve a success rate of 98% and establish themselves as the leading reference clinic in the fight against obesity in Catalonia.