The mayor of Girona, Lluc Salellas, responded today to the PSC, in response to questions from journalists, that the only paralysis that exists in the city is that caused by the central government. A week ago the socialist group, the main opposition group, accused the tripartite government of “paralysis” and “lack of drive.”

“If there is one thing this government does not have, it is paralysis,” replied Salellas (Guanyem), who agreed with his government partners, Junts and ERC, pointing out that this tripartite is a “strong”, “solid” and “active” government.

The mayor focused on the role of the central government. “There are issues linked to the State that are being stopped,” he stressed and regretted that the central administration “has ignored its functions in these months.”

Among the pending issues that, according to Salellas, have been left unfinished, there is the reform of Plaza España; the transfer of a Defense building on Emili Grahit Street and attention to migrant people in the city.

Salellas regrets that there is no interlocutor to address these aspects until there is no government in Spain, a situation that he believes could last until the beginning of next year.

Guanyem, Junts and ERC have today taken stock of the first hundred days of municipal government. Salellas placed housing at the “center of the political debate” and recalls one of the first measures adopted by this City Council, which was to set a maximum limit of 4% of the housing for tourist use that can exist in the city.

It also highlights the million euros annually that will be allocated to the public housing stock or the municipal decision to exercise popular prosecution in the case of the feminicide that took place last July and in the attack of a young cyclist.

The mayor also focused on the municipal commitment to sustainable mobility, such as the pacification of some school environments or the participation process that will be opened shortly with residents of Creu Street to redefine the bike lane that the previous government built. in this area.

For her part, the vice mayor, Gemma Geis (Junts), highlighted that Fira de Girona will be strengthened, with the holding of new congresses, the project for the new Mercat del Lleó, the launch of the Santa Eugènia police station or the alliance with the tourism sector, commerce and the bicycle sector to promote the use of Catalan, as some of the actions that will take place during this mandate.

One of the priorities of the current municipal government is to unblock the future Trueta hospital, which will be located on land between Girona and Salt. The tripartite commits to “ceder cuanto antes” the land to the Generalitat so that it can start building the building.

For his part, ERC spokesperson Quim Ayats indicated that the new Library of the House of Culture will be put out to tender in 2024. Regarding the Casa Pastors, which in previous governments it was decided to convert into a Museum of Contemporary Art, Ayats recalled that currently It is the subject of an archaeological intervention in the subsoil.