The round trip of Santiago Román, mayor of Sant Joan d’Alacant, has been completed. He left the Popular Party due to discrepancies with the local leadership that Manuel Aracil embodied – still does – to head the Ciudadanos list. The orange formation obtained four councilors and added them to the seven from the Socialist Party, in a pact that granted the PSOE the mayoralty for the first two years, in the person of Jaime Albero, and Román from 2021, while the PP remained in the opposition with six councilors. Compromís added two councilors, and Vox and Podem one each formation.

But after a mandate colored by discrepancies with his partners, Ciudadanos broke with the PSOE and last January signed a pact with the PP that kept him in charge of the Mayor’s Office. Yesterday, Román and the councilors Marcos Piña and José Luis Olcina formally requested to join the group of non-attached mayors of the Sant Joan d’Alacant City Council.

The mayor and the two councilors have withdrawn from Ciudadanos Partido de la Ciudadanía, for which they have requested to join the group of non-attached by registration, and thus join the path undertaken by the fourth councilor of the group, the vice president of the Provincial Council Julia Parra, who left the orange party a couple of weeks ago.

The three components of the municipal corporation have made this decision, according to a joint statement, “with the aim of joining the project to unify the political right-wing center of Sant Joan d’Alacant.” In fact, a few weeks ago, Ciudadanos Sant Joan accepted the proposal made by the local president of the Popular Party, Manuel Aracil, consisting of running together in the next municipal elections on May 28. But, given the impossibility of unifying acronyms given the refusal of Ciudadanos to present joint lists with the PP in the municipality of Sant Joan, the three councilors have decided to leave their party and support this center-right unit.

In this way, Santiago Román, Marcos Piña and José Luis Olcina join Julia Parra within the group of councilors who are not attached to the Sant Joan City Council, so this group is made up of the four former representatives of Ciudadanos, who will continue to govern until May in coalition with the PP.

For Santiago Román, who everything indicates will be a candidate for the PP on 28-M, “we have made this decision being aware that the offer made by the PP of Sant Joan is a clear project of unification of the center right in this municipality. We believe that it is the most appropriate way to prevent the left-wing tripartite PSOE-Compromís-Podemos from installing itself in the Sant Joan d’Alacant City Council with the very negative consequences that we all know, because it would be a reflection of the sanchismo that for a few years is leading Spain to an unsustainable situation”, added Santiago Román

Román was a partner in Nuevas Generaciones of the leader of the PP in the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, and maintains a good personal relationship with him. So much so that Mazón did not hesitate to attend his inauguration as mayor, despite the fact that it took place in coalition with the PSOE, and Román recently attended the conference that the president of the Alicante Provincial Council offered at the New Forum Economy in Madrid.